Why the hell do you care who's on the cover? Does that somehow make the game better? That's just dumb.
Why the hell does it matter...seriosly? If you've got nothing better to do than post this inane **** then go mow the lawn.
Don't complain...we're long over due for some good hack-slash.Don't forget about Splatter House!!! YAY!!!
While CoD4 is a great deal of fun, it is in no way realistic. Try swinging a real gun around and then tell me it's realistic.
I would go with KZ2 for now...Uncharted is due for a price drop once 2 comes....Uncharted's story is just like watching an Indy movie.. and nothing beats that.SuperMario254So says the virgin.
Am I the only one who finds it sad that anyone would know the release date of game from the previous year, let alone plan to play it in honor of the anniversary?
I pretty much have always looked at it as one of the PS3's features...so I wouldn't say I take it for granted.
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