There is a difference between plus-sized girls and anorectic. I think disney should definately make a movie of a plus-sized girl, of someone who doesn't have the waist smaller than a tennis ball.
Plus-sized girls can be very pretty and that doesn't mean they're fat. They are just a bit bigger, a bit bigger than average.
It's never good when all people fall into same category, never.
Now get outta your asses, guys.
That's kinda fat/chubby. She just holds her weight well, and has been photoshopped.
I find that fine, but is it healthy? Children should be worrying about health, and not external physical characteristics.
People, specially girls tend to worry about their physical characteristics even though they shouldn't. Sure we can teach our children to not worry about them, and say "Just stay healthy". But girls still worry about those things. They want to look good. When you tell them to be healthy, in a way you're telling them to be thin. They look up to you and think it's the proper way to think before they start doing what other kids are doing.
And as the whole world is telling them to "be more healthy" and "you should lose some weight", they very easily start thinking that they are not good enough, and this starts eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia and even mental illnesses like depression. These are the problems we should really be be worried about.
I don't disagree, being overweight is a problem too, and we should be wary of it, but being blind of what is out there is not a way. If we say Disney shouldn't have an overweight character in their films, we're telling them to censor their films in a way. What if it was the other way around and we censored thin people in disney movies?
So don't ignore the problem and it'll go away? The issue seems like nonsense. Being on the verge of diabetes is not something anyone should love, and a high school female being the same weight as a grown man needs to reevaluate their food consumption. Sure they might feel like shit for "feeling fat", but at least they're not dead or without limbs due to the diabetes they could be developing.
I hate seeing children who are a foot shorter than me, but 100lbs heavier. America needs to start blaming the parents because a child only eats what your provide them - if your child is 300lbs you should probably get a knock on the door from CPS.
That, honestly, is out of my reach and I cannot think of a way to do that, since lazy kids are always just sly enough to skip the exercise and as said, parents can't be blamed for this, as they have their own life and work, and they can't be watching their kids all the time.
That's the most insane thing I have ever heard.
Kids don't work they can't buy their own junk food. I understand single parents might buy their kids "quick fixes" if the child has to be left home alone for an hour or two, but lets be honest if you witness your child eating junk in the form of having to buy a dozen hotpockets a week you need to assure your child has adequate exercise, or the remainder of their meals be less calorically dense.
I do adore how you completely decided to ignore my example of this.
Kids always find a way to get what they really want. If their parents do not get them what they want and they really want it, they might turn into stealing, borrowing from friends, I've even heard of kids meeting their friends at their home and telling the parents they are hungry so they get more food. Kids do these sort of things.
And as a parent when your kid is in the worst age, they won't listen to a word their parents tell them. Most parents just don't have that power over children anymore.
They simply can't unless the parents give in. A child can't physically eat at such a large caloric surplus out of the parents eye that they become physically obese.
No sharing a bag of chips, cookies, or a soda will do that. The child would have to go to someone home periodically and consume large amounts of food, which I'm sure the parent of the other child wouldn't like and inform the other parent.
Which would be a good way to solve this problem, but some parents simply won't do it or won't listen.
Though, I do think this is a very good idea to solve this problem, information between parents that is. Which some are doing already, and it's good. But it doesn't work everywhere (as nothing really does), as some parents just don't like each other at all.
As said before, kids will find a way to get what they want, but if parents talk to each other, they might be caught of their lies and talked to, which might stop the eating.
But I do believe we somehow have crashed into a completely different topic than the thread is created for - should there be a plus-sized princess for disney?
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