Here are some quick highlights from things that I skipped over from day one, and a full break down of the Ubisoft and Nintendo Press conferences.
As an interesting Side note, all demos by EA and Ubisoft are played on PS3s, obviously because its graphics are just that much better.
Xbox 360:
Metal Gear Rising, the first non playstaion Metal Gear game looks like it will probably not be the Metal Gear that everyone hoped. It stars the whinny unlikable side kick from the old games and instead of a stealth action shooter looks to be a hack and slash sword game. Zan-Datsu which means Cut and Take is a good description as you will cut up your enemies with full 360 Degree control and then absorb their powers or energy. Looks great, but again doesn't look like metal gear, except for the character models.
Bad Company 2 looks just like another bad company, it's a game series I've never really had an interest in and the demo pretty much failed to excite me in any way. On the 360 and PS3
Bullet Storm, This game could really go places, made by Epic who brought us Gears of War this game has been described as a blood symphony. Think Mad World in HD and full color, you execute skill shots and get points for creatively killing enemies using weapons and environmental hazards like exploding stuff, electric stuff, spikes and machinery. Looks great, seems to have a little bit of steam punk or industrial feel to the weapons. On the 360 and PS3
Active 2 is the name of the fitness game I mentioned in my other post, it will be out for all three consoles featuring different systems on each. Kinect for 360, Wii motion plus + balance board for the wii and new arm and leg sensors for the play station 3. I've always and continue to feel that Active is a real fitness game, not to be confused with the Yoga / Mini - game that is Wii Fit. All Three Consoles.
Crysis 2 looked amazing in detail and graphics, something about Crysis keeps me put off, and I know everyone loves it but I just don't. Set in New York the urban jungle open world first person shooter sounds very interesting. PC? 360 and PS3.
After re-watching the press conference trying to block out dude from Talk Soup I found that Ubisoft had a great deal to showcase.
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, set some time after Assassin's Creed 2 you continue as the main character from the previous game now as a leader of your own Assassins Guild or Brotherhood. In the demo the Templars are stepping up their game and bringing the fight to you in a big way, coming at your town with siege towers and cannons. AC:B looks to offer improved horse usage, more variety in gameplay and some sort of unannounced multiplayer which would be a game first. AC 2 is one of my favorite games now and I can't wait for more. Every Console in some way.
Shawn White Skateboarding, No I didn't say snowboarding, that's right the multiple Olympic gold winner is now making a skateboarding game. In the demo they showed you riding around town building a skate park as you play on the fly. Its tough to describe but basically the landscape takes on ramps and rails where you want and then morphs the city to fit what you input. Looked very cool actually, but since this type of game is pretty up in the air I still hold my reservations. Every Console in some way.
Then Ubisoft played some kind of Laser Tag, I said WTF. The demo was bugged, talk soup guy became even more annoying and I skipped it.
Innergy is a meditation / exercise game where you do just that, looks very New Wave-ish. Yeah. No idea what this is going to be played on.
Your Shape is the Xbox 360 Kinect game being made by Ubisoft and looks great, if Kinect works and this game plays like it should, it actually looks like a fun and very real fitness game. Mostly Cardio of course. 360.
Raving Rabbids in Time, is just that another probably mini-game based Raving Rabbids game with a poor attempt at three stooges like humor. The games are fine and all but just fine. Not exciting. Every console I'm sure, milk the dead horse and all.
Driver, is a resurrection of the PS game Driver. Go figure. Looks great until the part where apparently the main character you play as is actually in a coma. Is any of the game play actually real then? I don't know, but this isn't a soap opera.
Project Dust (Code name), Looks like Black and White 3. Was like a 10 second demo so that's all I know.
Ray Man Origin, A hand drawn platformer that looks gorgeous stunning amazing, all that. 3D in 2D, if you like Ray Man I'm sure this is huge news, guess which side of that fence I'm on. Yeah I don't care.
Mania Planet, Another 15 second demo, something about racing and online and making maps and cars and… Too high level for any real idea of what the game actually is at this point.
Michael Jackson This is it, again another 15 second demo, no gameplay, just people dancing to beat it. If you can guess a game out of that, good for you.
Nintendo finally let out the big dogs this year by actually having a press conference to be proud of, their extremely lackluster shows three years running have left our hearts empty and our souls drained of life, but no more!
First off Reggie must have read my blog post because he stole my line calling E3 the best week of the year. Hey buddy that's a patented phrase you owe me 5,000 yen. (Not true)
Legend of Zelda the first Zelda built for the Wii from the floor up, should have been the most mind blowing demo at E3 so far. BAM fell flat on its face by obviously being nothing more than the last Zelda game re-hashed with continuing sloppy controls and bad camera. I suggest just going back to 2d games.
Mario Sports Mix. I am seriously not even going to say anymore about it.
Just Dance 2. Apparently everyone loves Just Dance. Apparently I am just not everyone.
Golden Sun DS. Looks like a great RPG, really pushing the DS to new graphical… forget it. Why is this not on the Wii? Insane. Insane. Insane.
Golden Eye 007. Who hasn't played Golden Eye on the Game Cube? Wii promises awesome multiplayer which is a big promise because it would be the first Wii game to do so, the graphics look very Wii-ish but acceptable.
Epic Mickey. I'm probably breaking some copyright laws just by not calling it Disney's Epic Mickey. So sue me you bastards. Wait I just got an email… they are actually suing me… you bastards. Ok it's a platformer like any other only with Mickey. Yay?
Kirby Epic Yarn. Think Paper mario minus the RPG elements and with Kirby and everything made of yarninstead. I've always been a huge Kirby fan and this title looks like it wont dissapoint with wonderful artistic design and some really interesting "yarn" usages.
Dragon Quest DS. A Japanese mega hit, so why not bring it out in the USA, good idea. Looks great except there was no footage, promises WiFi downloads of new dungeons, monsters ECT. Sounds great, but again the Wii really needs good RPG and the DS has plenty. I don't get it.
Metroid Other M. The beloved Metroid Prime trilogy is over and Nintendo has shifted their prized IP to a different developer, it looks like team ninja is really trying to go back to the core of what Metroid is. The demo looked great fitting in way more platforming type style than Prime, but still looking very 3d. Easily the best graphics on the Wii, it's amazing.
Donkey Kong Country Returns, 3d in 2d looks great, love the old school DKC platforming formula, going to be a huge mega success I'm sure.
NINTENDO 3 DS. It's a new DS it plays in 3D without needing glasses, (the glasses are just built into the screen somehow). Here are some upcoming games for the 3DS (no price points)
Kid Icarus. Announced but not shown unless I blinked and missed old school NESer's have been waiting for the game for like 25 years. The wait and the prime of your life is almost over.
How to train your Dragon.
Nintendogs + Cats.
20+ Developers working on 3ds games. Altus, Square, Ubisoft, THQ, Level 5, Capcom, EA, TQ, the list goes on and honestly it was a very, very impressive list.
Well that's it for Nintendo's piece, they really killed in my mind and it's looking like a great year to own a Wii and to pick up a new 3DS.
Just enough time for me to rest up before the Sony Press Conference and I need it feels like I've been running a marathon with my gamer muscles.
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