I predict that in the so called "Next Generation" battle Nintendo will come out on top... and commit suicide.
Only in times like this. xbox 360 sucks, ps3 will suck, can nintendo really show you how well it can hurt itself.
People will probably flock to the WII like flies to **** due to the fact that the 360 and ps19 are old tricks in an old show. At least WII will give you a new way to play and that will be refreshing but possibly exaughsting.
But as I've said Nintendo will not stay on top, undoubtedly they will be too busy selling MAMA COOK 3 to your 6 year old niece than they would any game to you.
So eventually everything will be back to sqaure one... or should I say sqaure enix, or maybe squaresoft. Ever since they dictched the soft and picked up something rhymes with penis almost nothing good has happened. FFX12 is decent, but far too long in the making, it was almost true that FFX13 would be done before 12... PS3? No FF for Launch = Bad Sales.
Im pretty sure most thinking at big companies goes like this:
"We made a ton of money doing X, Y, Z. and a tiny amount of money doing B over and over again. Soooo... lets throw that X,Y,Z **** away and focus more on B. GO TEAM!"
The PC isnt the greatest either, but at least theres more things to do with it than play a game or watch a $40 HI RAY BLU DICK DVD Mach 7
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