Personaly i believe you should only buy from a seller with good positive feedaback and reviews. If they have none of that then it has a high chance of being a scam.:evil: alright man thanks for the help![QUOTE="halloitsbruno"]
i really want a mac and i want my first purchase to be a good one but im very tight on funds (college student).im wondering if buying a used one is good or bad?im looking at one but the seller doesnt have a feedback.does it look like a scam or should i look at a refurb or from a buyer who has better feedback?thanks guys ebay item #160372022041
sorry if its the wrong forum
halloitsbruno's forum posts
i really want a mac and i want my first purchase to be a good one but im very tight on funds (college student).im wondering if buying a used one is good or bad?im looking at one but the seller doesnt have a feedback.does it look like a scam or should i look at a refurb or from a buyer who has better feedback?thanks guys ebay item #160372022041
sorry if its the wrong forum
[QUOTE="PhantomSpartan"][QUOTE="rawsavon"]I have been working out regularly for about 10 years. I used it for about 6 months...and it messed with me bad...hated how it made me feel Some people use it and are fine, others not so much. The main benefit of it is looks...I add a ton of water weight to your good for going to the beachrawsavon
ahh crap this is what makes me nervous about it. Do you have any known problems? Like I can eat oysters, but some people get sick when they eat it. Is it like that where some people are just allergic to that kind of stuff?
It was not anything like an allergic reaction (although I am sure people can be) I just did not feel "right'...i know that that is not specific, but that is all I body was just off Like I said earlier though, it is just water weight, all superficial. Stop taking it = bye bye extra water weight Not worth it IMO i took it for a year in differnt cycles.on for a month off for 2 weeks on for a month off for a month and repeated that pattern for a year. the effects on your appearence are great.DRINK A TON OF WATER!!!!!!!!!!my side effects were diarrhea for a couple days and then after that i felt great.also increase the amount of red meats you eat. If you continue to work out after you stop taking it, the muscle loss isnt very noticeable just make sure you drink alot of water, alot of people end up dehydrated while taking it.dehydrations really the only serious side affect ive seen and i go to the gym every night.[QUOTE="Digital_Ghost"]
All of the windows fanboys in this tread won't change my mind, it is made up. I hate to break it to all of you bill gates **** riders, but it's not all about gaming on a laptop or a desktop. Tell me then, if Microsoft didn't feel threatned why in the hell did they release those god afwul laptop hunter ads that that were so obviously fake? I pray that micorsoft gets slapped down again by the united states government for another attempt to mononplise. My guess is that haters here are just jealious that they cannot afford to drop a almost two grand on a computer that is imune to PC viruses, has a much more stable and secure web browser, keeps most of it's value and has production software on avalible for it that is 100 times better than the crap that is avalible for windows.
How are they fake? Mac are notoriously overpriced and this day and age people aren't going to spend 500US extra to get the same thing they could get from a PC. Also lawl @ immune to viruses. You want to know why mac has no viruses? Because people don't bother wasting their time making a virus to affect the 10 of you that buy them :lol:
you get less then what you get from a pc...heres what you get if you buy a pc that you dont get with a mac.....a horrible OS, 112,00 viruses,alot of ad ware right out of the box,blue screen of death,more memory but my os uses most of it,[QUOTE="Bass7"]
Wouldn't be surprised if you take that into the shop constantly.
EDIT: Actually nvm, maybe I'm thinking of BMW's that need constant work. Not sure, just remember my friend telling about it.
BMW is German, and you know the German's always make good stuff.
But no, for real, Germany is the worlds largest exporter. They have a reputation for high quality, reliable machinery, vehicles, and tech.
What I'm trying to say is that no, BMW's don't need constant work.
mercedes and bmw both are known for being very dependable cars.if they do run into a problem wich is more unlikely to happen then a chevy or a dodge, it is very expensive to have them fixed
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