@chaos-06: Funny thing is, when I remember what they did to C&C (where they tried to reboot it), I am almost certain they will do the same to Mass effect
@UltimateBastard: lol I guess they're just trying to emulate the xbox one version on the pc. Anything emulated require almost this power to run smoothly.
@iammcgruber: Maybe AC is underwhelming after the second installment came out (that's why it's called a sequel, it improves the formula); however watchdogs came out mostly repetitive and lacking some really necessary options like melee (which I found very stupid btw, due to being limited to just takedowns) and the huge world it was set in. My point is, if you plan on creating a large world, make sure there is enough variety and action to carry the game.
@iammcgruber: you realize that the first AC got a 9 on gamespot while the first watchdogs got a 6, right? AC started awesome, then went down the hill while watchdogs had a more.... awkward start.
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