I guess they might have rushed it since they thought they would have no competition and people would buy it nevertheless. However, a rushed release never did well, and history repeats itself
After trying the game, I have to say I hated the leveling and character customization systems. I loved the skill tree in Diablo 2, even if you couldn't use more than 2 at a time. Also the synergy system they added in a patch after a while made it totally worthwhile to grind and level up lower level skills. That and the runewords as well added more to the experience and made it fun. The sequel is more dumbed down in these aspects, in my opinion.
@jpme226 I think if a lot of gamers think that way, ESO will turn f2p pretty quick. Hell, it might even shut down. However, this reason, is why blizzard kept on milking wow and is still is. Nowadays, it's hard to find an engaging experience with loads of mmos from every genre
handofkain's comments