This is the end of gaming as we know it, all the publishers want the money that GTA is making so you will see a lot of poor copy cat games parading as the game as a service crap with a focus on microtransactions.
This is a rip off the show should be free, think about what's going on, businesses are showing their products to consumers so they can buy it, you want me to pay money to see the product that you want me to buy, that makes no sense why would anybody pay for this.
If the movie makes money we will give you sequels until you are sick then we will give you a spin off, if the movie doesn't make money we will reboot it every few years until you like it then you get the sequels and the spin offs.
I have a solution for all of you, get rid of the pc and try console gaming, you will have pricing stability for the entire generation and all games are guaranteed to run with full specs.
What a bias and negative headline, the ps4 came out in 2013 that's almost five years ago anybody with common sense would know that it would not be increasing in sales at this point, the headline should have said ps4 almost at 80 million.
hardcoregamer1's comments