Oh lord here we go again we have another angry birds on how hands, you just cant be satisfied in having a good game you have to try and pimp it out to all forms of entertainment until it becomes burnt out.
Nintendo makes great games but to play them you have to buy their underpowered console, I wish they would just make games, imagine playing zelda and mario on the xbox and ps4 in 4k that would be so awesome.
@7tizz: How dare you, you better be thankful that you have an xbox and not a ps4 because I would challenge you to a online shootout to teach you some respect, I am skilled at multiplayer its just that I get bored easily and I prefer a game with a good story.
@Legend_of_Link: True but if they were not so greedy they would see that releasing a new cod every few years would actually make more money, example look at gta 5 it make over 1 billion in 3 days and sold over 85 million copies so far, this is because they dont release a game every year so the anticipation is very high when the game finally hits the market
I am a single player gamer that is my passion, sometimes I mess around in multiplayer but not too much, I never buy multiplayer only games because I consider them to be a waste of money because I get bored of them very easily.
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