@Black_Knight_00: These are 20-somethings who were in K-12 school the same time as I was, minus the manager.
hd_hammah_17's forum posts
Whenever I play multiplayer on games like Call of Duty or Halo, it immediately shows that I have very little skill when it comes to FPS games. I think this is because unlike most people I didn't start playing these until I was a freshman in high school (now I'm a senior), whereas most kids were playing these games from like 3rd grade.
My main source of trouble here is my aiming, which I can never hold in the right spot; every time I look through the scope to snipe, someone, I always end up moving around too much to hit them and not being able to reorient myself fast enough before I get shot, even if I adjust the sensitivity whether it be lower or higher. Also, I have trouble detecting people from behind or people who are sniping fast enough to avoid getting killed.
@Black_Knight_00: This is in Hawaii, in case you wanted to know. Also, I'm not a staff member, I'm just a semi-regular visitor. Any kid in kindergarten through 12th grade can come to hang out at this place. This is their Xbox 360, and they bought all these games. The room is always filled with mostly elementary or occasionally middle school kids, and they've no problem playing these games. Also, the place does have Injustice: GAU as well, which is nowhere near as bad as Mortal Kombat.
At the K-12 youth center that I frequent, there's an Xbox 360 room and most of the kids (boys and girls) are only into split-screen multiplayer on either Call of Duty: World at War or Halo Reach, and never wanna play anything else (even their other Call of Duty games). I liked these games a lot and this normally wouldn't bug me so much, but it gets really freaking boring only playing those same games all the time. They have Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe & Injustice: Gods Among Us, which are arcade-style fighting games, but NONE of the kids over there ever wanna play them; they all think they're junk. Occasionally, if I'm the only one playing, I can find someone to play MK or IJ with me, but when there are more than like 3 people, it's WAW or Reach only. How can I get them to believe that those other games are cool and worth playing a lot so that the monotony of same-game-all-day is broken?
I by no means think they should definitely try to go down that road, but I'm curious to know what you guys think would happen if they did. What I mean by this, is imagine if Nintendo made a new game console in say... 2022, to replace the Switch, as well as fully compete against the PS5 & Xbox Scarlett. I'd love to hear all of your thoughts and opinions on this idea.
For this console, they decide to make it more advanced than the competition because they have an extra 2 years of R&D (the same thing that happened with Super Nintendo vs. Sega Genesis), have a traditional controller using the same design that the other consoles have used for over 15-20 years; no motion control magic wands, no tablet controllers with useless touch screens, no attaching little NES controllers to each side of a grip thing.
They also approach major 3rd-party game developers and give them development kits and ask for their suggestions for the console, thus having more support from them, which enables them to have all the major multi-platform games available on Nintendo consoles in addition to the other 2 guys.
Also, they change their philosophy to fit the other 2 a little more. They stop caring about being family-friendly only, and start developing a shit ton more T-rated & M-rated Nintendo IPs (which is what I think they should've started doing with the N64), as well as advertising mature multi-plats on their website and in their press releases, so they can finally get rid of that kiddie image they've had for over 20 years now, and which still persists to this day. Of course, they'd still be making Mario, Zelda, Kirby, etc., so they won't be leaving kids out, but they will be a lot more balanced in that regard.
I have a niece in kindergarten, and she's the only one of her siblings to not have her own device to play games on. She really seems to enjoy playing games though, so I thought maybe I'd get her one for Christmas either this year or next year.
My first choice is a Nintendo Switch. This is the most obvious one because it's very popular, has a lot of kid-friendly Nintendo games, and is the cheapest out of all of them.
My second choice is a PS5. I'd have to wait until next year to get this for her, but it's supposed to have the best power and graphics, plus backwards compatibility with PS4 games.
My third choice is an Xbox Scarlett. Again, I'd have to wait until next year, but full backwards compatibility with Xbox 360 and Original Xbox, plus launching with Halo Infinite makes it seem attractive.
My least likely choices are PS4 and Xbox One. These are on their way out, as they will be replaced and made obsolete next year by PS5 and Xbox Scarlett. I don't wanna get her something that won't be contemporary anymore right after she gets it.
After seeing the Call of Duty mobile and NBA 2K20 microtransactions, I'm disgusted at what modern games have become. Trying to nickel and dime you for every little aspect of a game, and preying on little kids to buy in-game currency they're just gonna lose. Plus, they make the game unwinnable; I can't tell you how many times I've gotten blasted on Black Ops 4 and Fortnite from people with overpowered weapons that I can't even unlock cause I can't afford to buy a million supply drops. If this is all games are gonna strive to be anymore, I'm don't wanna be a part of it anymore.
I'll give them until Holiday 2021 to fix all of this crap. If the games that are announced around that time are still full of these kinda predatory practices, I'm gonna say goodbye to modern gaming; I won't keep up with new games, or even buy new consoles at all. EA, Activision, Blizzard, Epic, Bethesda, Ubisoft, 2K, Capcom, WB, all of you're games are being fucking ruined by this gambling, both financially and enjoyably.
In its place, I'll be restoring my old Wii and PS2 collections from my childhood, cause the games on these consoles didn't have this kinda shit. Starting off with the games I already had like SpongeBob, Mario Kart, Smash Bros., Madden, Sonic, Disney games, Lego games, Need for Speed, Jak & Daxter, Tom Clancy, Marvel/DC, and Kingdom Hearts. Later on, I'll branch out into ones I've always wanted to try out. Then maybe I'll add GameCube and PS1 since they're backward compatible, and perhaps even other old-school stuff like SNES, Genesis, N64, or Original Xbox. There are a plethora of consoles with thousands of games for me to choose from that are just as fun as they ever were. I don't need you, modern gaming, I have other ways to play.
I really hope modern gaming gets fixed. Please tell me there are major game studios out there who don't practice this kinda bullshit. I've had a PS4 for years now, and I'm fucking TIRED of all of the nickel and diming, predatory gambling, and not being able to enjoy games cause I can't win them. You've got until Holiday 2021 to fix this problem, majorly, otherwise, goodbye modern gaming. Makes me sad, I've been engaged in this hobby since I was 6 years old, and now 11 years later look at what it's become.
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