back in 2010 when my X360 died i decided to buy a new machine to play battlefield bad company 2 online
i had to decide between a PC or a PS3, so i went to bfbc2 minimum and recomended specs to see what kind of PC i would need
i dont know why but i used to think that the recommended specs are the minimum to play the game decently like the PS3 or X360 could do
in fact the recommended specs could run the game close to the highest settings and the minimum specs were what i were really looking for (ps3/x360 quality) but i didnt know that and bought a PS3 instead of a PC, i also bought a keyboard and mouse adapter making the system even more expensive because i cant play fps games in a joystick
i recently made a pool here asking the console gamers only what is the cost of a decent gaming PC
"a decent gaming PC is one that can run next gen games like Battlefield 4 or Need for Speed Rivals at decent frame-rates up to 60fps, 1080p, high to max visual settings, record videos, run wii and ps2 emulators..."
this PC is the PC i have today, its a U$400 PC
but console gamers are terribly uninformed about the real cost of a gaming PC, just like i was, and they flocked the answers around 800-1200 dollars avg 1000 dollars PC
a 1000 dollars PC is the most expensive PC anyone should buy, you can build a PC with r9-290 graphics card equivalent to a nvidia titan for 1000 dollars, more than that is reserved for enthusiasts that enjoy suffering with the terrible dual gpu and dual card problems
1000 dollars are not the minimum, it is the maximum a sane person should spent on a PC
just to confirm it, check this 800 dollars PC build,3708.html
it runs battlefield 4 on medium settings, (close PS4 settings) @172 frames per second!!!!!!,3708-16.html
yet another uninformed person who tries hard but fails.
you come back and show me a pc for 399 with the same specs as a ps4 or greater so that you get 1080p at 60fps with every game, from now till 2020,
which has an OS, 8gb of gddr ram a gpu which matches the custom built one in the ps4. keyboard and mouse and controller to play games with, forget the monitor as the pc should run on the hdtv smoothly like the ps4 does do and then we can have this arguement, but to put up a link which takes you to a $800 machine which runs battlefield 4 on ultra but only at 48fps is not a case at all double the money hmmmm, and battlefield 4 isn't next gen it's a multi gen game, if your going to buy a pc you ain't just going to set out and buy something which is on par with a ps3/360 or even a ps4 for that matter there isn't any point.
This is right on the money!
Gonna throw my hat in the ring for this rather heated debate, so here goes.....
I had contemplated going for a PC this generation round, because obviously they can provide a fantastic gaming experience, and there are many positives, but after a lot of thought I will be going for a PS4 to replace my beloved Xbox 360, and there are a number of reasons why.
I keep hearing about how PC gaming is cheaper in the long run, but realistically (at least for me ) this really isn't the case.
People keep going on about how you can build a comparable PC for the same price as a next gen console (although with the PS4 retailing at £350 here in the UK, you could be pushed to even do that), but for how long will that computer be comparable? A year, maybe 2 at a stretch.Then something will need upgraded, and this is one fact that keeps me away from PC gaming.
The Xbox 360 was released 8 years ago, and retailed for £280, if someone then had built a PC for even 3 times that price, would it be capable of running any of today's ( or actually the last few years) of 360 games? Obviously not, and the same goes for any PC built to compete with a console today. As well as that, look at exactly what developers are managing to do with 8 year old console hardware, it's quite frankly awesome!
I know PC games are cheaper at launch, but people seem to forget that with consoles there's a huge second hand game market. With the new consoles it'll take a year or so for that market to develop,but it will, and that's where I will end up getting most of my games, as I have done this generation round, and this combined with trading games in, means that it's not half as expensive as the angry PC gamers make it out to be. I picked up 3 games at GAME for £12 last week. Also I rarely buy games at release unless it's something that I'm particularly excited for, and then I'm willing to pay the premium.
Another factor is the simplicity that consoles provide. Now I love my tech, and I love to tinker and tweak things, so as much as that aspect of PC gaming actually appeals to me, with having a full time job, a wife and 3 young kids, my free time is extremely limited. What little time I get to spend gaming I want to actually spend it gaming, not having to worry about frame rates, detail levels, drivers etc. Also a game will run on a console exactly as it should without issues.
Essentially I will continue to game on a console over a PC for those reasons. If I had more free time and more money (ironically having kids seems to have a direct impact on t both those 2 things) I would game on both, with a kick ass gaming rig, and 3 consoles. As it is I have to make the choice that best suits me, and I'd rather drop £350 on a console I know will last 5+ years, than £800 on a PC that will last 3 at the most, it just doesn't make sense for me.
And although there are many PC gamers who get that it's about personal choice, I do think there are some who simply hate the fact that someone can have as much fun on a console as they do on their 'super fast ultra rig'
Anyway, rant over, I'm going to go and play a game that cost me £7 on an 8 year old console, i'll try to enjoy it if i can.....
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