JRPG does fall,it`s hard for JRPG producers to make a originality
Dragon Quest series create a fairytale-like world for you to quest,but they are welcome only in estern countries,it seems like the Western does not like them as the Estern do(even DQ VII has more sales volume than former DQ does).
Final Fantasy changes from one to another,and since the huge change of FF XII,I find it almost loses spirit of FF,it is not the FF I knew but always a good JRPG,and from the vast world and battle,the feature makes it can be said a WJPG rather than a JRPG
And since Squaresoft merged with Enix,some original JRPGs like Xenogears,Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross does not have or maybe never have continued games,I just want Squresoft back and show me more JRPGs
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