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heavenwaits Blog

Looking for opinions from Survival Horror fans

So I've been itching to buy a new game for my Wii, but I'm also itching to play a survival horror game. Since Fatal Frame 4 won't be out for awhile yet, my options boil down to Obscure 2 and the new Alone In the Dark. I've heard bad things about the Wii version of Obscure 2, so I was wondering if anyone had played the new Alone in the Dark. Is it worth trying out?

Thanks in advance!

Belated holiday wishes

Just wanted to take an opportunity to wish everyone a merry Christmas (or a very belated Hannukah, or.... well, whatever you celebrate).

I'm excited as I finally got my Wii and I've been playing TLoZ: Twilight Princess nonstop. It's hard to tell if in the end I'll love it as much as Ocarina of Time, but so far it's definitely giving OoT a run for its money.

Anyways, hope everyone had a great few days.

Oh, and early HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Just so anyone who cares at all knows, I'll be leaving the comfort of Reno to go visit British Columbia in a couple of days. I need a vacation, so it's going to be nice to get out of town and get to see some actual trees and water. My parents are taking my sister and I, so at least I won't be alone with the old folk, which will make things a little more interesting.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that. I'll see you when I get back in something like 2 weeks.

Talk about lucky!

My game selection problems are over.

I had been eyeing the original Final Fantasy VII for some time, and decided finally to ask a local game store, Game Force, if they had a copy of it.  This came about mostly because one of my friends got it and watching her play it made me want it badly.  Well, they had it, but only a copy that had no case or booklet to it, so he gave it to me cheaply.

I got it home and to my disappointment, the game didn't work, so I returned it to the store, for which they said they would give me store credit and call me the second they got a new one in, something that sometimes takes months.

Well, lo and behold, the very next day I got a phone call saying they had a mint condition, non greatest hits version in, complete with booklet and game guide, (a total of usually around $90 or so on ebay) and would I like it?  I told them yes, and when I went and got it, I expected to have to pay a bit extra.  Well, the guy said that they would just take my store credit for it.

The moral of the story is, I got my grubby little paws on a nice, almost perfect copy of Final Fantasy VII for very cheap, and am loving the game.

So much for playing survival horror next. ^_^

*throws confetti*

I finished FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus last night.  The game itself wasn't bad.  It definitely had some low points, though I enjoyed it in all its Vincent goodness.  I think I'm just not a good shooter kind of game player, so it was an accomplishment for me to actually beat this one.  Then again, I did also beat Resident Evil 4.

Anyways, now I'm not quite sure what to do with myself.  Following the elation of beating a game, there is always a bit of a crushing feeling of, "I don't have a game to play anymore.  What do I do with my nonexistant free time now?"  If I could afford to, I would go track down a game, but as things stand I'm a little poor, so I am going to have to settle for going back to one of my games which I hadn't managed to finish yet.  I did want to go back to some Surival Horror, but the only sh game I have that I haven't finished yet is Siren, and that game is just way too hard.  I could go back and re-play a game I already finished, but I find it a lot harder to do that once I know what the ending is.  Call it my need for novelty.

I guess I should go peruse my collection.

All right, I'll just shut up and do it already.

So I've said it 80 times, so I won't make the promise to be around more to you guys AGAIN, since I haven't been able to keep it so far... well, not since I think November.  But I'm here now, visiting and trying to catch up with everything.  I think that's part of the reason I don't come on here as often as I should - the idea of having to catch up with everything is daunting, so I stay away rather than having to get started.

Anyways, the holidays have been good, though I've spent most of them working.  I go back to school for the 22nd, and will henceforth be anxiously awaiting my letter to tell me whether I've wasted this last year studying or if, yes, I will be getting into the master's program here.  I'm desperately hoping for the latter, for obvious reasons.

I've been mostly playing Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, which I admit isn't the best of games, but I love Vincent Valentine, so you'll hear no real complaints from me. 

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll see you all soon (I'll try!  I promise!)

One step up...

Sorry I've been missing recently, but I've been busy studing like crazy for the GRE (like the SAT's for grad school).  I finally took it yesterday and now can get to semi-normalcy until finals start.  Anyways, I hope to be around more.  Hurray!

Fatally shot...

I love trying to come up with clever puns.  Unfortunately, yes, I realize I fail miserably.

Well, I've finally officially finished Fatal Frame (hence my title... you know, you take shots of the ghosts?  har har), and now I've completely the entire Fatal Frame series.  Granted, I could go back and re-play them, which I haven't done yet (and would actually like to at some point), but at least I've seen them all and watched all their endings.  I'm happy with that right now.

Now it's time to actually start playing Kuon.

Unfortunately, school starts in a week, and I started work yesterday, severly cutting down on my play time, meaning I have no idea if I'll actually get to finish this game, especially considering I pre-ordered Rule of Rose and will most definitely be playing it when I get it.

I still have Siren and some other non-horror games to actually play, like Star Ocean, Growlanser: Generations, and, particularly God of War.

A little bit here, a little bit there.

I know my presence here has been sporatic lately.  I've been settling in to my new room at my brother's here in Nevada, dog-sitting, job-hunting, and reconnecting with old friends all at once, leaving me little time to actually spend online.  That, and my bro's wireless router isn't up yet, so I have to rely on his comp for internet access instead of being able to use my laptop.  It's been awhile since I've actually had to share computers, and I had forgotten how little time you could actually get on them when that was the case.

I havent' even had much time to play any PS2, let alone taking God Of War or Fatal Frame out for a spin.  I have been managing to play a little old-school Phatasmagoria here and there, though, since it's not as big of a time commitment as the other games. 

Now I have to remember to go buy my school books.

At last!

I have finally finished Fatal Frame 3, after many attempts at defeating the last boss.  She was hard, but I finally got the hang of her, and must say I kicked her behind the last time I had to try her!  Hurray!

I still perferred Fatal Frame II's story to this one, but it was most definitely touching.  What I love about both these games (we'll see about 1) is the fact that the antagonist is such a sympathetic character.  They're evil in that they try to kill you and cause so much pain to others, but at the same time, they became that way because they went through so much pain. It makes for very bitter-sweet endings.  You want to be happy that it's over, but you can't help but be sad, especially 3, considering the final cutscene. 

I started 1 a little, and must say it's going to take me a bit to get used to the different control scheme, and I have to agree with CB2 that the characters in this seem a bit bulkier and more clumsy to navigate so far, but I'm sure after playing more than 10 minutes I will start to get a better feel for them. 

Maybe I will start playing a little God of War first so that I can get myself out of the total horror frame of mind.

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