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heavenwaits Blog

Silent Hill Movie

I am actually getting excited about the Silent Hill movie.  And part of me fears that I will be sorely disappointed, especially since I've gotten my hopes up.  But what if, for once, they actually get it right?  The teaser trailer on the website looked really good. 

Oh please movie-makers... get it right! 

Indigo Prophecy

I'm playing this game right now, and I'm loving it.  I've been raving about it to a bunch of people, so I figured I may as well post here about it.

Its controls are really simple.  So simple that they call it "playing the movie," when you first start. It requires lots of thinking on your feet, hoping you make the right decisions about things.

The downsides to the game are, however, that whenever a scene happens you have to be paying attention to the Simon-type game they'd have you play instead of getting to pay attention to what's going on.  I feel like I'm missing parts of the story because of the focus being more on pressing the directional buttons at the right time instead of the scene itself.  And there are some really cool fight scenes who's full effect can't be felt for the same reason.

But I'll take it.  The game is, overall, tons of fun and definitely something new.

Slow poke I am

I know I tend not to update this thing, but I figured I would today. 

I think I may just officially give up on finishing SH4.  I start over, get to about the same spot, and lose interest.  But I guess that's the way it generally is with me and video games.  I need to force myself to actually stick to one game and finish it.

I think my big problem is that I play too many survival horror games, and being the geek that I am, I scare myself.  When I play with other people, it's easier, because I can make them have the controls for awhile if I get too stressed. 

By golly, I WILL finish Haunting Ground, the newest addition to my collection.

Re-visiting an old friend

Today I went over to a friend's and re-started Silent Hill 4, and I've decided that I was willing to try another play-through of that game. Considering I didn't finish it the first time around, I got myself pretty interested in it again. last time, I just totally lost interest in it and couldn't pick it up again. Now I think I want to, and by golly, I WILL finish it! :)
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