@gameroutlawzz why "cuz itz hard mode make me pro"too bad the guy who made the souls games isnt really fond of people just thinking hes games are all about difficulty
the bosses were awful, lazy design just plain lazyfromsoft can seemly only make humanoid boss with big weapons
@alaannn @hector530 @RyanSaotome what could go wrong with extreme xenophobia im sure nothing bad has ever came for it........herp a derp
@RyanSaotome by "crazy groups" you mean non-japanese? that because they are xenophobia, they hate foreigners and pretty much make it impossible for non japanese to become a citizen
@rasterror inb4 JRPG nerds and anime fans complain Japan has never done any wrong and you just dont get it
@zyxe like you did with Kim's pay2win game? spending 200 million on that POSlets face it those 48% females are mostly iphone "gamers"
@nocoolnamejim is that why the Kimk K game has been so successful? female gamers showing they want female leads?
hector530's comments