hellscovern's forum posts
i need to know can you install it without connecting to the interneteggfork
it installs from the disc, no need to be online at all.
Well the word on the web is that the next update will have the long awaited in game XMB enhancment. So messaging, custom music etc. should be possible from in game. Still no firm date on PS Home as its still "Just around the corner".
Looking forwards to purchasing a PlayTV which apperently will be availble from the end of March. Wish they'd fix the MPEG2 TS UPNP streaming problem they introduced in the V2.10 release or at least allow Firmware downgrades!!
Anyone else got any features they would like to see coming in the next update?
I wouldn't take the word on the web as being true to much, they said the same thing about the 2.0 firmware and it didn't happen.
Update the list of BC PS2 games. Resolve issues that current PS2 titles are experiencing.darkface
Sony no longer support BC so it isn't going to happen you have to make do with how it is now.
i just got an hdtv it supports 480i,480p,720p,1080i
i have my ps3 hooked up to it through composite cables therefore its displaying at 480i, it looks like crap it looked better on my old crt tv, my question is if i get hdmi and hook it thru that will the image look sharper and the colors brighter? or will the quality be the same?
The reason it looks like crap is your not playing in HD, you can only get Hd via HDMI or component, Get a HDMI cable set your PS3 to automatcally select the best resoultion that your TV supports and enjoy.
Ill never see the point in spending extra hundreds for sound ... I mean cmon its sound....
* Woah man I can hear the helicopter fly over me * ( lasts 2 seconds ) Cost = hundreds.Hey_Big_Boy
I can understand that for movies, but for gaming i think it's worth it, to know where some one is shooting from in a FPS for example is very helpful, i have a 6.1 system while my cousin just has his TV speakers when playing against him online with resistance i can get him more times than he gets me simply because i can hear where he is at and change direction or move around to where he is, I know if he is directly behind or behind to the left or in front where as all he has is right and left he has to rely more on seeing where i am.
I think there is an improvement in color shading and general definition of characters and environmentTheTenth10
Not when running in standard def it doesn't have the resoultion to do that, at best it will be as good as a top end DVD.
Why is everyone dumping on Obsidian, it wasn't their fault that Sith lords was bugged to hell and not finished, lucus arts treated them like crap and only gave them less than a year to make the sequel in, i dont care how good of a developer you are you can never make a great game within that time frame, Lucas arts didn't care about the quality of the sequel only in the money it would make them off the first game.
I loved the first Kotor and there are elements of sith lords i love as awell like being able to turn memebers of your party to the dark side, if a third game did come to PS3 then that would be great as long as who ever develops it even if it Obsidian is given the time and support to make it the best it can be and not some quick cash in like Lucus arts did with Sith lords.
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