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Game finished: time paradox

Mortimer Beckett and the time paradox

It is a small game, and a sequal as well, and at the end of the game, it announced a third product's coming in 2009.
The story is simple, go through time potal and collect fragment of time bomb and blast it, during this, find item and put them in proper place while puzzeling thourgh the time area, it's not that boring, but are less and less exciting as it moves on deeper and deeper, what we are looking for is fragement of items, that makes it hard, but we do have image of the item, that makes it simple, and there is a quick regenerate hint which is used quite often.
The game is middle quality to say the least, and I don't like the golden fish eye design of the main character, still, it's not that bad, I shall give it a 7.0/10.0

Game finished: Mushroom Age

Mushroom Age

another small game has come to its end, it's a comnination of many mini game, with a not so boring story, it get tedious as time goes on, but I made it to the end, I shall leave a mark of 7.5/10.0

the ting troubles me is that although you play as a woman, you never get the chance to see her face, all you got throught the game, is just her voice, and yes, the loading screen has her back image.

Game finished: Veronica Rivers

Veronica Rivers:portals to the unknown

here is the ending picture

What to say about the game? This is a "finding objects in the picture according to words" little game, a little hard for me but if not there will be no fun, the actress looks smart and hot, like Lara Craft, I enjoy the game, and mark it 8.0/10.0

Earthquake! in my dream


aND I have this dream last night, I was in a big red brick empty house with very high roof, and the ground started to shake, I crawled near the wall and the quake got worse, either it's stronger or closer, in the end, the wall bent and the roof broke, and it was end.

Soon it is confirmed my mother and girfriend were safe and sound, but we couldn't get contact with father who was working in the school, as I approached the teaching area, a policeman stopped me and said it'soff-limit.

I asked for the situation, and he answered: more than 20 people were killed here,and I asked about where, he said more than 20 person were killed in building 9, and there was another 30 more deaths around the campus, besides that, no one was serious hurt.

So I started to think, my father worked in building 9, 20 were dead, no one was serious hurt besides that, and my father did not answer the phone, I've got a real bad feeling about this.

And I woke up, as usual, thanking god it was just a dream.

Rabbit is gone


sADLY our little hellside eat two much and grow too big, my girlfriend are no longer fond of it, and my parent's start to complain it run around and dump everywhere, and we can't find a large enough cage, so they decided to give it away, after some difficulty, an old lady finally agree to take over for free, and that is the end of it.

Don't call us cruel, the rabbit turned out to be a meat rabbit not pet rabbit, it's the fault of the pet dealer, or this thought just make us feel better, still, I doubt the old lady's going to eat it right away, she might be planing to mate the rabbit and sell its offspring.

And if we are lucky, we might get some little rabbit from her.

Haven't lay my hand on the console recently


I feel strange, I want to play some decent console game, but I don't have time, in my daytime, all I can play is rubbish network game and small casual game, and at night, I have to make up my absence and stay with my girlfriend, which is moving on rapid lately, I do not want to leave her to herself and damage the relationship just because some game to play, which might lead to emptyness whatsodever.

Guess I am saying goodbye to console.

Kindness can be fatal


tAKE my rabbit for example, if be kind to let it out of the cage, it will run out of sight, and might be captured by other people, or eaten by a dog or something, it will always be safer to stay in the cage.

Then there's food problem, if you feed it everytime it struggle for food, then it will eat too much and might get sick and die, it will live longer with limited food supply.

Our family are way too soft.

Guess what, rabbit time


oUR rabbit just get smarter and smarter, it learns to to climb steps, can jump down from a chair, and it opens its cage's gate! It might acturally running away someday.

And it keeps pee if it eats, maybe because the food is not proper, but I can do nothing about that right now.

I should upload a photo someday.

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