nnn2004, and this is the kind "truth" you are talking about? - sony fans ... they will follow the ps3 even to the grave. no wonder people don't care about your version of "truth"
rolla020980, MSG has a 30 hour single player mode accross dozens of levels. Show me an xbox360 exlusive game that does it. It is 50GB long. It doesn't get released becasue its creator is a perfectionist. Since you are such an xbox360 fanboy, I guess you couldn't have searched these true facts on any gaming website, can you? Oh and I forgot to mention, GTA prolog, even as a demo is better than many full racing games. And let's not forget who pays 50 dollar fee to get online when you don't do that on ps3 and pc. And let's not forget who would charge you money for even a stupid theme! Now tell me again why poeple can't buy a "demo" that's better than many full racing games?
ShadoweaverCode, wow! look at all the lies you put out! MGS is famous for complete in-game rendering. Kojima himself said all of them are in-game rendering, and demomenstrated that he can change the lighting, angle on the fly during a biz show. Heavenly sword only uses pre-rendered cutscene in 3 places while everything else is rendered in real time. How can you say that PS3 lacks the power to do real time decoding. WOW, that shows you are such a true fanboy. Almost all ps3 games have Dolby Digital 5.1 on the disk, and ps3 can decode them just fine. But PS3 doesn't stop there, it gives its user base a much better option than those lossless compression format found on xbox360. PS3 use LPCM because it can afford to, unlike the xbox360. PS3 can decode DTS master audio in real time, very few players can actually do that. LPCM means no translation of studio master audio, and it's the best audio format possible if you have a big space. If anything, it's the xbox360 that lacks the CAPABILITY of uncompressed audio.
bochap76, I played drakes 4 times on its single player mode and all my xbox360 owning friends (five of them) borrowed the game to play at least once. By the way, then 3 of them then went and bought ps3. Have you not re-watched any good movies? It's the same thing. And playing on the same few maps for 600 hours on multiplayer, doesn't make that gear of war's graphics or the game itself should be any better or worse. How many hours you can spend on multiplayer has no bearing on how good a game should look whatsoever. We are talking about graphical comparison here. You are saying that xbox360 exlusive beats ps3 exclusive by using the example of Haze. And I tell you that Haze isn't not an exclusive. And you are saying that the great looking ps3 exclusives such as uncharted is short, and imply that therefore they can afford to look good. And I can tell you that the best looking exclusive on xbox360 is also short. so what's your point? Multiplayer make you play on the same maps again and again, but it doesn't make gears any longer. Oh one more thing I forgot to mention, gears doesn't look better than unreal tornament by the way, and that unreal is on ps3. So the best looking xbox360 exclusive to-date look just like a multiplat game - Unreal tornament 3. So what's your point about ps3 being inferior in graphics again? to your last point, who plays haze on ps3 when metal gear 4 is around the corner, and we have so many more to look forward to this year?
bochap76, as if gears of war's single player is any longer? Metal gears's single player is 30 hours. Beat that. And as if Halo 3's graphics are any better? The only great looking exclusive game on xbox360 is gears. And it doesn't appear to be better looking than uncharted. By the way, haze is going to be released on xbox360, and it's still going to be bad. Xbxo360 won't improve it, what do you say about that?
juice215, you don't have to tweak your hd TV for ps3. You only need to turn on the ps3 graphical setting such as true RGB, super white to have better pictures. But I guess you don't know about those features. And these GS reviewers don't want to turn on these features because they fear what they would see.
Xbox360 looks more saturated, but that's not a better graphics. But these graphical noobs think saturated picture look better. heck, turn up the saturation on ps3, they will then look the same if saturation is your thing. About every reviews (except gamespot) say graphics on GTA and Assasin Creed look better on ps3. Why? Are they all lying while GS tells the holly truth? and why don't they compare devil may cry 4?
What the heck is this? Read every review from other sites (such as IGN), you will see that both assasin creed and GTA4 look better on ps3. IGN even has both game running in head-to-head HD video clips. These still shots are pretty junk cus picture quality is a lot more than still shots. Every freaking review (excpet gamespot ones) I've seen on gta says ps3 looks better. Yet, GS somehow finds it differently. How? Also GS refuses to enable the advanced graphical features on ps3 settings (such as true RBG), because they "believe" that normal poeple won't use them. Those settings make games look so much better. From reading this comparison, it's pretty clear to me that if ps3 version of a game looks worse, GS definitely tells you. But if the xbox360 version of a game looks worse, GS tries everything to not say it. And why don't they do some comparison with devil may cry?
The specular map is interesting. When turning it on, the image looks prettier, but everything has a shiny outline which looked kind of fake. When turning it off, the image looks darker, but more realistic.
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