I just finished the story for the first time, and give the game 10/10 score.
I'm old, cynical gamer, and Ive been playing games before you kids were even born. Despite this, Detroit impressed me on every level, from story to looks to soundtrack. Masterpiece of this gen.
Why didn't you whine about all the bad mechanics in Monster Hunter World? That game is like a dictionary on how not to build a game. I mean are you like the whiniest nitpickers in the world or what?
I just love how lively and real the game world feels. Still does, after all these years. Brill NPCs too. And such great and memorable main characters. My fave GTA game.
GTAIV is one of the best games ever made, and the perfect scores it got at launch prove it. To me, it is still one of the best of last gen, with very little to fault.
I love this game. Such a great adventure, and so pretty too. Its my fave jrpg on current gen, and my fave FF game too. The perfect ending to the FF saga. Well done.
Oh and one more thing; I played the game post launch, before the big updates, and the game was great even back then. So it was not released broken as some trolls claim.
Oh Gods... They are gonna go Angel of Darkness again, arent they. That one was supposed to be more realistic and dark and so on, and only ended up being pile of poo...
On PS4 I can give this game only 6 even after the massive update. Good about the game is the car handling, which feels really good. The cars and tracks also look good.
Bad things are the appalling AI drivers, the appallingly crude roadside details, and the lack of tracks and lack of genuine content in the career mode. Not to mention the appalling rubberball physics...
This is very poor effort. I hope they will update the game futher, but I doubt this will ever happen. I cannot recommend this to anyone, especially not if youre looking for good single player racer.
This is very dull and offensive game. First of all, the real world components are just hours of dull video clips where you have minimal interaction with the world. And the 'dungeons' are PS2 era stuff that gets really tedious really soon. And the voice actors are very flat, delivering all lines in bored voices...
And then there is the offensiveness; women are treated like trash in the game; raped, forced into prostitution, forced to prance around in mini skirts and so on. And half the personas are topless trollops from the devs' wet dreams... Disgusting. How a female reviewer could stand for such smut is beyond me, but I guess she just wants to be one of the blokes... For shame.
Innovative??? I'm sorry, but BotW gameplay or game world have nothing that has not been seen in other, better games several times over the past twenty years. It cannot be said to be innovative even in Zelda terms, given that even Skyward Sword had more innovative and fresh approach to gaming. Shame on you, GS, for making stuff up again. Amazing your pants haven't yet caught fire.
This list seem to contain games nobody will remember next year. I played Nier earlier this year, for example, and had already forgotten about that drab and dull game had not GS brought it up on their list.... Most memorable games? Tsk.
henrythefifth's comments