@fedor: Do some research before you make yourself look more fool that you already have.You're acting like Square Enix is pc playground xDDDDFirst of all Nier automata is Drakengard 4 basically, and second it's made by Platinum games so.....I wont be discussing with you anymore.Keep on begging please.
@fedor: Sorry to dissapoint you but Nier wont be on pc.I dont care if Steam has billion users, but it wont be outside Sony.Do you honestly think that pc gets every game possible??Little bit naive, don't you think???I have no need for begging cause I own every platform needed, so I wont miss a thing, unlike you.
I have gaming rig + ps4 + ps3 + Xbox one + Wii U so no need for begging on my part :)Some of these guys on this thread are amuzing.Nier is basically part of Drakengard-series, but some of those Gaben yahoos believe that it ends up on pc xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDKeep your hopes up xDDDDDDD
@pongley: Typical pc elitist. You're the worst kind of bunch.Always dissing console gamers, but you're still eager to beg for those games.Pathetic indeed. And yes, console exclusives stay on consoles.You can cry and beg all you want."Holding games for hostages"......xDDDBuy a console or stop begging.
@fedor: I'm the idiot for saying that Nier wont be on pc?!!!!Are you serious??Please more of these delusional hopes....
The amount of salt is overwhelming in this thread.PC boys must be über-bitter xDDDPetitions please, so those games won't be held as "hostages", Whatever the **** that means.PC should have it all, otherwise its bad for gaming industry ( read, pirates).Facepalm x 1000 xDD
HermitKiller's comments