Getting all 1001 light seeds on Prince of Persia, dying less than 100 times, getting 1250/1250 in one playthrough
Beating the Immortal one, Professor K, and most importantly getting Treasure Trove on Lost Odyssey
Getting all 50 gargoyles and silver keys on Fable 2 legitly
Being the fifth in the world to get 1000/1000 on Too Human
Getting all ally achievements on Mass Effect
Getting all the flags/killing all templars in Assassins Creed
Being the first in the world to get the lunar staff achievement on Ninja Gaiden 2
Mile High Club on CoD4
Beating Bioshock on hard without dying and finding all the audio diaries
Being the third in the world to get 1250/1250 on Gears of War
Getting all every orb on Crackdown and beating all the races with every car
Getting all the achievements on Condemend despite the glitches
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