feel free to add me. My PSN is hghpandaman, but like the others, tell me you're from GS
hghpandaman's forum posts
I remember the first game i played on PS2, and it was Oni. I think if the graphics were updated, and the animations a little more fluid, it could be awesome.
Yeah I don't think sony would do that. First off, from a business standpoint, they have spent way too much money on research and development to simply discontinue it only two months after its been on the market. Secondly, the reduced price has increased the sales for the system, and i don't believe they'd discontinue something which is helping their business.
Finally, from a personal standpoint, I got my PS3 Slim a week after launch day. It's been on an average of three to four hours a day and i have yet to have any problems with it (knock on wood)
I currently own a PS3 and was a 360 owner for two years prior to switching. GOW2 does have very good graphics by any standards, but my expectations were blown away when I saw Uncharted 2. The game itself looks incredible. I can't count the number of times I was killed because I was just looking around the environments. That being said, Uncharted 2 and GOW2 have drastically different artstyles. Uncharted 2 likes to play off the environment. Cities and temples built around pristine environments with very bright and vibrant colors which are much more pleasing to the human sight, while GOW2 goes for a very dark brooding environment which it does very well. In terms of using the system to it's fullest, Uncharted 2 definately reigns supreme, but you can't fault the graphics of GOW2 either.
Hey everyone, I am thinking of picking up the original resistance, and I was wondering if anyone is still playing it online, or if they have moved on to the sequel.
Thanks for your help
Hey everyone. I just got my new PS3 Slim 2 days ago, and I'm loving it. I'm looking for a few recommendations on cheaper yet awesome games. So far i have MGS4, Rachet And Clank Future, Warhawk, and ImFamous.
Thanks for your help.
yes. if you don't have a computer dedicated to hosting matches, you'll want the strongest computer to host the matches. Basically to break it down, the computer will not only be computing the actions of the player on that computer, but will also be computing the actions of the other players as well and keeping scores etc. so the computer with the fastest processor should be the one that hosts. Hope this helps and have fun
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