Lately I have been noticing one thing, I havent been playing my X - Box lately. With all the tons of games I have there isnt much potential these days. I knwo I dont have XBL I would be sure that it would change the ways I think about gaming, but I just never really come up to it.
With such games with the 360 is packing I sure would love to have my hands on that system. A couple of people I know already have the sytem and I just feel....... alone that no one is around me helping me what to do. Everything has been blanked out tv screens and my X - Box is just blanking aways, fading and sooner or later it will dissapear it will be left on a corner collecting dust.
The games that I play lately is games for the PS2 and the DS, such as Freedom Fighters or New. Super Mario Bros. Its just such a shame seeing my X - Box going away + the games that I all have, it was my first and certainly my last and I will depart from it soon. I have thought over what kind of games that they are giving for the X - Box that are new and its still goes blank, blank, and blank.:(
When I heard that the Company Line got started for the system thrills kept on coming on my bones wating every moment till lauch so I can get myself on the system but now everything goes blank. I will surely miss the experience of the games and the potential of everything it had.
But when the time comes such as these I always think on the bright side such as my union is about to form and I have a new girlfriend:D her name is Miranda she is my age so you can call this love.... puppy love. I will show you a pic of her soon....... just wait and the pick will be edited in here.
Pratically I am a stalker of Noweb_Basic, but in a humorous good way. His videos bring inspiration to the people even GS staff member come and gawk at his video bloqs wating and waiting till the next one appears. I bet you that this man is going to be more popular than Masoumi......speaking about Masoumi whenever I go to see his blogs it isnt there, I would know that he would close to the people that isnt his friends(lke me). I am just thinking that he is getting bored around Gamespot and he is going to quit.... but anyway off to Noweb_Basic..... as I was saying this man is going to be really popular than Masuomi he is on the Community Spotlight for everyone to see and he is only on level 19:o
As you may know that Sentinelrv is consgrustiating the way of the union system. He was recenlty going to move off Gamespot with his union but then he was contacted by Greg Kassavin (formatter of unions) telling him not to leave GS but by giving it a second chance, Greg told him to scrap off some ideas of how to imporve the union system and share it in here. Well everything is scraped off right now and Greg is going to have a meeting on August 15th where they will discuss his ideas and try to fit it in.
If you would likely want to support this then please post in his blog to show him how you care or post in here to show the staff of how much you really care.
If you would want to support this in a more advanced way then please wear these sigs of choice, That the Liquid Designs made.
Please use them to spread the world to the people... thanks:)
Brand New Sig
Its can be kinda cheesy but I really am a fan of Mario and his work.
There it is:P Nothing much Just a little sig to customize my profile of mine. Please RCC the sig thanks.
I want to be free.
Freedom Fighters I made a review of the game that I really like. I aint nhting of an expert but I just got bored and decided to make one ofr the heck of it. If you like the short texted review then please reccomend it thanks.:)
Oh an before I finish make sure to see the live video review from Gamespot of Dead Rising at 4:00 PM specific time and August 8th.
Okay I am tired of writing, so good night. And thansk for reading:)
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