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CSS Maps

Oooh! I'm starting back up in the mapping! I made 2 CSS maps that are really cool! The first and favorite, is a maze, well a small maze that you can learn in 2 rounds or less :P But it's fun, 16 T spawn points are placed in one side f the map and 16 CT spawns are placed in a narrow hallway on the other side. The job for the CTs is to get to the T side and climb the pipe up to floor 3. just a large room. Up there is 4 Hostages waiting for rescue. Now once they follow you you have 2 choices, you can just through an ok sized hole in the floor down to floor 2 where you can jump through a slightly smaller hole in the floor down to the T base or you can go down the small hole wich has the ladder. The holes take 7 damage to you, and the ladder takes none. The holes are easier to get through but they lead right into enemy hands. And the ladder is slightly harder to get to and it places you in the middle of the map. From there you take the hostages to the center of the CT base. The T's job is not to let the CT's do theirs :P

My second one is a mix! It's called cs_de_tower! Has some bugs though :( The CT's start at the top of a tower. Now here they have 3 choices. 1 go down the stairs to rescue the hostages in the warehouse below...2 stay here and protect the Rescue point/bomb target (yes that's what I said!) or commit suicide and idioticly jump off the top of the building to the grassy landscape below :P (I don't recommentd this :)) The terrorists spwn behind a large brick wall so they aren't imediatly killed by those CT's! They spawn down on the grassy land scape theat CT's might decide to fling themselves to (:P) They spawn by a small warehouse holding 4 hostages. They have to protect them so that the CT's can't do their job, or head to the top of the building to bomb the Hostage rescue zone!

If anyone wants them I may considdering giving them out...BTW: If time runs out on the second one CT will win even though it should be tie. And the bots canm't climb the ladder in the first level :)


Well in the last few days I've done a lot of stuff...I've played Garry's mod done co-op mode joined the best Union to ever be created (www.headcrabunion.com), brough my posts from 59 up to like 140 in 4 days :) made a comic, lol I find it funny.

Don't critisize me on it please, it's the first I ever made in my life lol :) really! it is! You don't believe me? Search the forums! You'll only find one, it's in Headcrab Union forums "My First Comic" pretty much sum up computer technicians eh? lol j/k You should try out [HCU] it's good! They even got an interview with Black Measa: SOurce! they got affiliated with the top HL2 sites! www.halflife2files.com has a news article titled BM:S interview or something like that that gives a direct link to the great interview that the leader got! As always "Feel freee to comment!". lol, got my self a new catchphrase! Although that wouldn't work in real life, I'd sound insane! lol

Just a warning from the HCU!

G_UNIT_619 posts:

"Dear xfire user; If Tom Clancy is in your buddy list or is trying to add you please dont not except his invatetion. He will ask you for your xfire password and then log in as you! So far he had deleated several accounts called several people names. If he contacts you please let the xfire staff now. Remember xfire staff would never ask you for you password. Please send this to as many people as you can, so it dosent happen to you or your gaming friends. Sincerly: Xfire staff

dont let that guy add you. just a warning"

I don't know if it is true but just in case...

Summer and stuff!

I must have been insane to stop playing half-life 2!!!I started to play other stuff...I played toontown, then World of warcraft, then Anarchy Online, then I went back to Half-life 2! Every time I play other stuff...i end up eventually making the rounds and coming to the conclusion that the Halflife series is the best game ever to be developed! I mostly got back to it because Anarchy Online was down for maintenance for 12 hours :evil: so I was bored out of my mind and i came to planet halflife to see if there were any good mods that were added in the last 5 months...i came across this mod that caught my eye and tore me from Anarchy Online and every other game I still played to pass time while AO was down...Garrys Mod 8 v2. You can see it here: http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/HalfLife_2_Garrys_Mod_Eight_V2;41694. Well anyways my dad looked at it and we came to the conclusion that it was a mod where you can pose most any character in HL2! Any hardcore HL2 fan probably knew about this months ago but i'll still tell you that almost every www.halflife2files.com POTD since it's release has been based on it! It's great fun! Wanna throw Dr. Breen? Wanna see alyx run from a antlion screaming for mommy? Wanna see a combine dance? Wanna see Gregori meet his match? Looking for action? Looking for hilarity? If you said yes to anything from the above then Gmod is for you!!

As you may have noticed in the above paragraphs, I linked to the same site 2 times. That's because I recently joined www.halflife2files.com!! It's a very good resource if you want a HL2 file but you cant find one! I entered the POTD contest with 3000 other people so If you see a POTD up on the front page and it is created by SgtGunz that's me. BTW...if ANYONE knows how to create a halflife2 skin, even a simple one, I just want to add some battle damage and add a very cool looking logo to the back... then please fell free to post as long a message as you wist in my comments, or redirect me to a forum/thread that tell in very good detail how to create one. Please don't direct me to a foreign link, viruses ruin stuff...heck! I had one that....er....nevermind lol...my topic is getting insanely long.

The other day I bought Sonic Mega game pack or whatever...it's fun! Not even worthy for comparison to HL2 but still! It's the best game ive ever inserted into my GC! It's my first owned game. Meant to say this in the first few sentences...I'm coming back to GS! Now you see why I never delete accounts unless I'm an inactive paying member :P You might see me on the HL2 forums....that's probably the only place I'll ever be on GS but anyways. Summer started early for me! It started Wednesday! for my brother it started last week, lol he does work fast! Gonna have fun this summer! And as always "Feel free to post any comments!" :)


I've been playing AdventureQuest, an online RPG game lately. You can find it


. You can play free or you can pay a one time fee of $15 so that you can play anytime, and get a lot of great features! If you like it why not go


It's a forum made by me introducing a new idea. :P I'll miss you guys! I'm probably never coming back...I'll be back to look at games, but you know what I mean...


Hi, I guess I'm back for a little while? Hmmmm..................hmmmmm................hmmmmmmmmmmmm............HMMMMMMMMMMMMM......Oh sorry :P

ok bye!


I created an account, now I spend all day under the name kewpatrewpa and kewpatrewpah.