Reports of Crysis 2 campaign being completed within 6.5 hours without rushing nor collecting hidden items. Since the Multiplayer is a COD rip off server mess, $60 for 6 hour campaign is No Thanks
-over the top motion blur -blurry image, Vaseline applied -subHD -linear And Crysis 2 is grafix king? Can't be, cause Killzone 2 did all of the above except it was 720p atleast
[QUOTE="i5750at4Ghz"] Since when is crysis about multiplayer?mitu123
Since when was Killzone about campaign? The story in KZ1 was good while the campaign wasn't that great, KZ2 had a decent one and I heard the 3rd is better than KZ2 for campaign.
Since when was COD about campaign? COD1, United Offense and Call of Duty 2.
Since when was Battlefield about campaign? LOL, something I can agree with.
Answers in red. KZ1 definitely had the best campaign cause you can play as multiple characters with multiple endings. Should've just remade it for KZ3 but know
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