@apnance: If I'm generous with the writer, they're really just saying that Duke the parody hasn't aged well. Red of Overly Sarcastic Productions went over how the definition of heroes changed over time.
A game whose main theme is revolution is inevitably going to involve politics.
The right way to do it is by rewarding exploration. Examples include through through pamphlets and radio propaganda in the background. You create a lore within the game, and flesh out the world to create meaning to the players who could care less.
The wrong way is unskippable cut-scenes that becomes preachy rather than informative.
@m4a5: Gamespot is telling people why an early access game is not worth the full price. If the bugs remain in 1.0, there absolutely should be criticism.
Hell, even the title acknowledged it. "Baldur's Gate 3 isn't done yet, and that's okay."
@asnakeneverdies: Might as well bring in 60 fps, and while we're at it, a brand new physics engine to facilitate it. Sooner or later, it becomes a fully fledged remake and will cost 70 bucks alone.
@death_burnout: They're the ones getting paid to review the game. Unless you want to start your own channel on Youtube and hope to get to the point you get reviewer's copies. Not all of us have the money to splurge on every game possible.
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