If you have a balance board, the game is free for one month. Add in a Pedometer for 20 bucks, and that's pretty much the price for the game. It's brilliant, actually. Rope in the casuals with a free game and at the same time, make 20 bucks by selling an accessory that is very useful for monitoring fitness (NSA free too).
A full 1.0 shaved off for a subjective opinion? I get why Mario Kart 64 was rated so low, the rubber band AI was horrendous. Rayman Legends for not liking the Murfy stages?
Ubisoft sure didn't give up on the Wii U, delaying Rayman Legends single handedly created a historical drought on the Wii U that was only broken when Lego City: Undercover was released.
Not so much how players don't know as how many people simply don't care. It's a thankless job that frankly, should have more appreciative customers. In the case of Sakurai, he earned that right.
hiphops_savior's comments