First off, i love gaming.
Wanted a 360 in the beggining.
Then a wii.
Then a 360 again.
Then a wii.
Until finally a ps3.
I got my ps3. I think its great!
Online is free, i can watch blu ray dvd and recently plug my sony ericsson into my ps3 via usb and transfered songs between the two.
However, the ps3 has not many great games. Thats when the 360 comes in. 360 boasts a range of games and great online play even though u have to pay.
The biggest drawback is the red rings of death, which means you pay microsoft to fix it and that takes ages.
The ps3, is realiable, online is free ( exspect for game downloads) and has a built in blu ray player.
But, its the most exspensive console, has not many great games (but that should change towards the end of the year), and you need a HD tv to get the most out of it.
The 360, has a great selection of games, good online and is cheaper than an ps3.
The cons are online is roughly 50 pounds and is not very reliable thanks to the red rings of death. But apart from that its pretty good.
Im not taking sides but in my opinion its ps3 all the way.
But depending on what you want its 50 50 between the two.
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