hirushubi2 Blog
Game predictions #1
by hirushubi2 on Comments
Wow. Just wow, I was joking around with my friends about what score dead rising would get and my first guess was 8.3 then I said no no it will probably get an 8.4. All my friends thought that I would be so off the mark they all laughed......now who has the last laugh gamespot just posted the review for dead rising and it's an 8.4. This can only mean one I have a special talent at predicting game scores so whenever you want to know what your favorite game will get just send me a message or read the posts so lets begin......8)
1st game- Okay for my first game I will be doing no other than...............the game 99 NIGHTS.
SCORE: 7.4
So check back in to gamespot to see if I'm right or not.
Frogger xbox live arcade review
by hirushubi2 on Comments
So the review for my newest xbox live arcade game frogger is up now. GO check it out to get the full verdict on if you should get it.
LINK HERE-http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/frogger/player_review.html?id=336844
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by hirushubi2 on Comments
Yea I'm still working on my profile, but it's coming through so stay tuned for more.....
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