well, you are probably aware of the mythological role and meaning of the 'snake' ... as it it the snake that offers the fruit of knowledge to the women ...
snake is a Dragon ... wich is simply a symbol for the Sine.Wave
but, surprise ... the snake is ofc the sun in its material, manifested form ...
when the universe started to exist the 'one' splittet itself into 'two' ... into 'spirit' and 'matter' ... spirit is the sun, matter is the snake (or lake) ... both start at opposites, while they are essentaily the same, one in its purest and most refined form and the other in its lowest most dissolved form ...
during the existence of the universe these two 'manifested principles' will pursue each other in the way that the spirit will descent into the matter, while the matter will ascent into the spirit at the same time ...
what we know as the universe and our existence inside it is simply a side effect of this process of self motivated Manifestation and de Manifestation ...
that said, we are allready on the way to discover the last and biggest secret of them all ...
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