the problem is, why are there two doors ... if one leads to hell and one to heaven, what is the place these doors are located at ?
in reality there is only one door and it only leads to heaven ... it can lead to hell as well, but from a humans point of view, this will remain for ever speculation
what defines hell and what makes heaven?
in this universe, on this planet life cannot exist or persist without constantly consuming the things the world around it is made of ... you breath, you consume O2 and create CO2 ... you walk, you pressure the ground and distort the air ... you eat, you break up other living things to feed yourself on its ingredients ...
its pretty much like hell I would say as you cant do anything, not even live, in this world without constantly comitting sins ... its the curse of being '' and '' of creation wich means 'manifestation'
in heaven none of these horrible activeties are needed to persist ... this form of existence may appear like 'a sleep' but like in teh real world, sleep is the nessessary counterpart to a phase of activity ...
hell is transformation, heaven is transcendence ...
almost every mythological book that is used to base a form of relegion upon is in reality an attempt to describe this relationship and the knowledge about what one can do to get from the one world to the other ...
relegion has simplyfied this by describing this knowlwedge only as rituals wich are to be followed but not to be understood ...
the devil number is 6 6 6 ... wich leads to the believe the devil can appear in 72 transformations
while the manifested world is made up of 7 circles wich are as well made up of seven circles wich leads to 49 transformations that are needed before 'nirwana' is reached ...
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