I forgot about Fable 2. It is looking pretty good.Spykezilla
im kinda sceptical to the combat system, but they'll probably work something out. I hope they manage got make a comeback since they kinda failed with Fable, i mean its a great game and all but pretty s*****y compared to all the hype.
So being this is looking like a really good RPG...Bandai Namco opened a official fan site that looks to be kinda snazzy. Might wanna check it out. I am eager to get this game and this game and Blue Dragon are the reasons why I got a 360. Finally the 360 is getting some good lookingRPGs.
Eternal Sonata Official Siteor www.endlessnocturne.com for Game FAQ users.
I voted Assasins creed, but halo is gonna be awesome but is just another FPS. Ill probably make my brother buy GTA lol since im underaged it will probably be friggin great
Why block when you can freeze the enemies lol. And anyways i think ill be goin for hard, because i want the achievements and because i like the challenge :D
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