Ah thanks you guys, I think I'll wait til spring break and buy me a 80g ps3.
hobbez's forum posts
Hey guys,
I've decided I want a ps3, for various reasons, my issue is when to buy it. Last year I was supposed to buy the mgs4 bundle but I waited and now it's a pretty rare find, and twice as expensive. Now I have my eye on the 80 gig edition, unfortunately it doesn't have the backward compatibility technology that I want. I've been out of the loop for a while now and I wanna know if you guys know if sony is about to release like a newer edition or a different edition soon that I might want to wait for. (Reasoning: I bought the ds "phat" a month and a half before the lite came out, I was a tad pissed) Alright, thanks guys.
I just had my neuro midterm on Monday. I was pissed because I couldn't remember how to spell myasthenia gravis, tetrodoxin and glutaminase. I think I put myathena gravis, tetradoxin and glutamatase... crap. Usually spelling doesn't count, not this time and there's no partial credit either.
Needless to say... *signs*
If someone lives in America they are American as far as I'm concerned...Even if they're "illegal" (seriously how is it illegal to live somewhere? LOL), they're an American.TallicaFan2005
I think this is why I would much rather call them "undocumented" than "illegal".
D is barely passing in college. You can always retake it though and they'll replace the lower grade with the higher grade. Although if you plan on going to grad school, they'll take the average of the two grades.
Also, 6 classes in your first year is ambitious. No matter how good you were in high school, ie. you took all ap classes, passed all of them, 5.90 GPA, etc., college is different. At least wait until you are in your 2nd year before you drown yourself in coffee. =)
EDIT: I gotta add, some classes require you to get a C or better to advance and sometimes if the class is a core class, C- is not passing.
Sexism, racism, war, numerous types of violence, etc. What do you think?
I just wanted to say... Alex Navarro freaking rules. At last weeks on the spot Alex tried so hard not to laugh... The whole tribute was so dumb. What company makes a tribute to someone who they fired? And why did GS act like Jeff was dead. I had more pity for Jeff when I veiwed that segment.
Hope Jeff goes to 1up. 1up is my fave gaming site when it comes to the editors... Jeff Green, Shawn Elliot, Shane Bettenhausen, john davison, Ryan Scott owns GS(except Alex N.)
GS made the tribute, they did not fire Jeff, Cnet did. Though I have to admit, that tribute was half-***ed done.
Also, I think Tim should get more than a measly "Special thanks to" mention...
Eidos threatened to pull hundreds of thousands of dollars of ads off of gamespot because of the review. So I believe that the effect of this threat was Jeff being fired. Now Eidos is saying, "Whoa, we didn't say to fire him." Listen, the game wasn't all that great. Get over it. It's so stupid to fire a reviewer for saying a game wasn't good. It's ridiculous.LikeHaterade
Funny thing is.. Yea, Jeff was fired but I don't see the ads anymore either, at least not the Kane and Lynch skin that covered gamespot before this whole business started. So.. basically gamespot just lost thousands of dollars and Jeff.
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