Was there a streaker and they went to the blimp cam? wtf!? lol
hodges_3_5's forum posts
Rogue warrior was the worst thing ever! I would rather go play with a twig in the woods than play that stupid game!
I've only tried it a couple of times, but it's quite possibly the worst alcoholic beverage. It smells terrible and tastes the same way. I can't believe some of you forced yourselves to even drink one bottle, much less enough to actually be okay with the taste. I can't see myself ever liking it, but then I don't plan on trying to either.
fair enough
beer essentially came into being out of necessity, not because people actually wanted to drink it. It was first made to turn undrinkable water into drinkable water, then herbs and other grains were added to turn it into something with shelf life.
It sounds crazy, but beer is food. It really is.
didnt know that. thank you
While Killzone has insane graphics, I don't see how you can reasonably say the game has even decent voice acting. I completed the campaign, and the dialog comes across as either stilted or part of a huge inside joke we don't get. I mean, the opening scene, where your ship dodges debris, and we get, "Hey man, that was f*cked up!"
Sounds like some of the fraternity boys around campus...
I dunno, I'd prolly shout something similar if put into such a situation >_>
It isn't even that... I can understand swearing, given their circumstances (battlefield, wartime, etc.) but it was just so gratuitous and unnecessary at times. All the characters swore - there wasn't one person who rarely swore or had some kind of moral code about swearing or anything like that.
They all said the same swear words and that made it seem like the script was written by a 12 year old with a potty mouth. Rico did swear the most, but no one likes him so it doesn't matter.
If you think the swearing was bad in Killzone, try Rogue Warrior (dont actually try it), he swears like an idiot almost everytime he gets shot or kills someone. :/
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