well,this a idea,but i dont write(and speak)very well english,(im from argentina)plea understand me :i want create a game,the name is chrono fantasy.The main characters are cloud,ramza,serge,crono.secrets character are:ashley,agrias(ff tactics),orlandu,cid,and others.The history is under construction(i hope you help me),but the basic are:a new zodiac stones,if you remember ff tactics(psx)ramza and mustadio`s father "summoned" (with a machine)cloud.Well,cloud wants to return his world,but he can`t(for now).In this moment (AT SAME TIME)crono defeated lavos and serge,(ups i dont played that game)...well.When serge and crono defeated his enemies,and ramza defeated altima occurs (in ff7,chrono trigger,chrono cross,vagrant story,fftactics worlds)a time distortion,the supposed evils defeated by ramza,serge,cloud,and co. in his respectives worlds,only hidden a veerrryy complicated plot against the universe himself and "world warps"(with this you go from ff7 world to fftactics world) are created for this distortion.Ah other of the ingredients are the RESSURECTION OF AERIS(remember when malak is killed by something (i dont remember)and holy powers of the zodiac stone revived him)well,the same can occur with aeris.Ah the new zodiac stones activates the world warps.(the world warp of the beginning is a exception because is created for the machine who summon cloud in fftactics).Well this is all for now i want help and comments.
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