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Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition
A Great Classic..........
After playing DMC 4, i considered it as one of the best action games. Though many of my friends who played DMC 3 and then 4 disagreed with me. So, I thought to find out what the fuss was all about. And so i have finis... Read Full Review
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Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Though it can be classified as arguably the Best Next Gen Racing game it also qualifies as the Least Best In Series.....
Burnout Paradise is the Worst Game in the Burnout Series. Is it a bad game then? No, but but previous burnout games are one of the Best Racing games. So i can call this my least favorite game in the franchise. Its ... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
One Of The Greatest Shooters made in recent years.
Year 2009. Finished playing Fallout 3, Dead Space etc. which were great games of 2008. But there was one game in 2007 & 2008(PS3 version) which i regret not playing earlier. And that game was Bioshock. So what is B... Read Full Review
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Call of Duty: World at War
Its no Modern Warfare 2 but its the Best Call Of Duty Among 1, 2 & 3.......
The Call Of Duty Franchise was never considered to be one of the greatest........untill COD 4 made its way and changed the whole outlook of the franchise. COD 4 literally atleast personally for me proved to be a Serious ... Read Full Review
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World of Goo
Great Puzzle Game.
Okay i am a guy who doesn't like Puzzle games as you have to spend too much of your brains in it. The moment i downloaded this game. It was only 64mb, i felt like giving it a rating of 1.0/10. But as a True Gamer i... Read Full Review
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Prince of Persia
Its a Fresh game that strives to be SOTC as well as SOT and succeeds to some extent.
Okay so after Prince Of Persia Two Thrones which received an EXCELLENT User Rating of 9.1 on both PC and PS2, Ubisoft have been going down hill. None of their games have made a 9 User Rating after that. Yeah they receive... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Dead Space (2008)
If not the Best but definitely the Most Addicting Game Of 2008
Dead Space for me is the Game Of The Year. And mind you i have played the others for the PC like Fallout 3 etc. which follows up very close. So what is Dead Space about? Some people says its like Resident Evil. Some s... Read Full Review
2 of 6 users found the following review helpful
Left 4 Dead
Fun & Intense Game To Play......
I am a Hardcore fan of Valve and played all their games. Half Life is easily the Best Franchise of Valve and one of the Greatest Games To Be Ever Made. So obviously it will be very unfair if i first up begin comparing th... Read Full Review
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Grand Theft Auto IV
Man, what's wrong with the PC Ports these days. The last Good PC Port that i played was Devil May Cry 4. Don't get me wrong, the Xbox360 and PS3 versions of GTA IV are really great and i would have given it surely a g... Read Full Review
6 of 7 users found the following review helpful
Fallout 3
If not the Best Overall Game Of 2008, atleast the Best RPG Of 2008..........
The last Best PC Game i played was Half Life 2 - Episode 2. After that its been an Year and seriously none of the PC Games have been EXCEPTIONAL. Its all been a Year For Consoles. I really thought of giving up gaming ... Read Full Review
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Far Cry 2
It was Heavily Hyped. Did it deliver the Hype?
So lets see what has Ubisoft done after their 9.1 User Rated game Prince Of Persia - The Two Thrones in 2005. They ruined the Splinter Cell franchise with Double Agent. They made a Prince Of Persia Rip Off named Assassin... Read Full Review
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Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
A Fun Review specially for PC gamers......
In an era of consoles, Xbox360 and PS3... would like to call them the Zerg and the Protoss respectively, the PC (the terran) is fighting to keep up. Swarmed with FPS and exclusive titles, there used to be an era in the 9... Read Full Review
6 of 7 users found the following review helpful
Transformers: War for Cybertron
Arguably the best superhero game ever.......
Gamespot may have been high when they played this game. Anyways i said arguably the best superhero game as it is very difficult to choose between this game and Batman Arkham Asylum. That game got away with 9. 6.5 is ... Read Full Review
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Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Could have easily been the best in series.....
The prince of persia series has been my favorite series for a simple reason that i have been playing it since 1989. Anyways for those who don't know, the Prince Of Persia series was easily one of last generations best... Read Full Review
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Devil May Cry 4
A Definite Contender for the GAME OF THE YEAR 2008
This is one of the best games of 2008 i have played and i seriously feel this needs to be atleast nominated for the GOTY if not win it. So, Devil May Cry 4 is the fourth installment in the Highly Popular DMC Series. T... Read Full Review
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Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Ubisoft proves that they are not only good at making action adventure games.....
Ubisoft generally has been more popular for its action adventure games like Prince Of Persia and Splinter Cell and now a days Assassin's Creed. Though Far Cry was a generally good fps its sequel suffered from terrible fl... Read Full Review
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Sniper: Ghost Warrior
Could have been so much more....
Remember that level in Modern warfare, where you are young Captain Price and on a stealth mission with your commander. Yeah the one with the cool sniper rifle. Sniper as the name suggests is a game where you primarily... Read Full Review
5 of 7 users found the following review helpful
Assassin's Creed II
A game which offers everything you can ask for..........
Since Prince Of Persia - Two Thrones, Ubisoft has really been going downhill atleast in terms of quality and user ratings. Assassin's Creed 1 though beautiful was a terribly repetitive game. Splinter Cell Double Agent... Read Full Review
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Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening
Great Expansion. More fun than Origins. Read to know why....
Origins was easily my Game Of The Year in 2009 just like Mass Effect 2 is this year's. Bioware has been rock solid as far as RPGs are concerned. Awakening is the expansion to Origins. If you complain that this game is... Read Full Review
1 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Superb Graphics, good gameplay and average story makes this a fun game but at the same time fear for your graphic card..
After purchasing an ATI 5850 especially for this game and GTA IV i was all set in high anticipations. My friends kept egging me to play this game and when they declared it was better than Bioshock i decided to give this ... Read Full Review
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Hitman: Codename 47
HIGHLY Underrated!!
Well, it just comes another case of gamespot giving some good games a really bad rating. But that's quite rare and gamespot does give good proper ratings but here in this case it is wrong. Hitman, a game released in 2... Read Full Review
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Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Honest Single Player Review and also some interesting facts and comparisons to other War Games.......
Before we begin this review, lets begin some analysis. First Person Shooter War Games like Battlefield, Call Of Duty and Medal Of Honor have been 3 of the oldest and best War games out there. None of the other war gam... Read Full Review
5 of 8 users found the following review helpful
A good game which could have been really badass if not for laziness on part of the developers.
Borderlands is basically Prince Of Persia and Call Of Duty having a baby. The beautiful cel-shaded graphics of Prince Of Persia combined with the badass gameplay of Call Of Duty. The aiming is like COD. Infact they ri... Read Full Review
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Mass Effect 2
Starts off with a bang and in the end leaves you with your mouth wide open.......
Bioware just keeps getting better and better. Just when you thought they were the most innovative with Mass Effect 1, they manufactured Dragon Age Origins that blew many people away. Many people like me also considere... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
The Quintessence in Puzzle Games........
I am keeping this review short. This is easily the best puzzle game. The puzzles are definitely more challenging than World Of Goo's puzzles and Portal's puzzles. The game is basically MARIO meets Prince Of Persia - S... Read Full Review
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BioShock 2
Its the SEQUEL we all were waiting for. Its better than the first.......
Lets get things straight first. Bioshock was one of the best shooters ever to be released. It almost replaced Half Life as my favorite FPS of all time. Bioshock received some of the best scores - 9.5 average given by ... Read Full Review
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Mass Effect
A Technically Perfect game.............
Bioware has always produced excellent goods especially when it comes to RPGs. Its right up there with the likes of Blizzard (Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft) and way superior to Bethesda (Elder Scrolls IV and Fallcrap 3). ... Read Full Review
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Crusader: No Regret
Unique In Its Own Style
Crusader is one of those games which make you feel that you used the time machine to go back to 1995 and play it again. The graphics at that time were so real. Of all the games i have played so far this was the scarie... Read Full Review
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Cricket 07
The first thing I thought when i was about to play this game was, oh what the heck not another EA Cricket 05. But i was wrong. The Graphics are so much superior than its rival Brian Lara Cricket 2005. Atleast the play... Read Full Review
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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Cant Believe Its Call Of Duty!!
There was a time till 2007 when people used to ask me what is the best FPS you have ever played and i used to blatantly say Half Life 2. Now, Thanks to Call Of Duty 4, the same question makes me perplexed!! I was n... Read Full Review
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Batman: Arkham Asylum
You feel like you are the Batman when you play this game.
Superhero games have always been meh! None of them have ever even crossed the score of 8 leave alone 9. This one got a 9 and i was like i have got to check this out. Batman Arkham Asylum or BAA is a game basically abo... Read Full Review
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Rise of Nations
NICE GAME!! But gets boring a little later!!
I have played all sorts of stategy games and games of other genres too. AOE is my all time favorite RTS game. But if you ask me to choose a second, i will choose Rise Of Nations. Yes this game is quite fun. You start ... Read Full Review
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Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion
GREATEST RTS gets the GREATEST Expansion Pack!!
AOE II considerably changed my life. As a kid i never liked history and this game changed it all. I have played many many games for 15 years and i have to say i have never ever come across a gem of game like Age Of Em... Read Full Review
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Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Strategy games by and large are a little difficult to be liked or to get used to. When i played Age Of Empires 1, i liked it but it was like an ok feeling. So when i was given the Age Of Empires 2 - Age Of Kings CD, i... Read Full Review
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Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Half Life 2 has always been my favorite game in the FPS and its also THE GREATEST Game in FPS. When i finished playing Episode 1, i was dissatisfied wanting more. Also Episode 1 was only a one time playable game and ... Read Full Review
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DiRT 2
A Solid Racing Game that will leave you wanting more.........
Dirt 2 is an amazing racing game. Right from the start it amazes you with its Presentation of the menu system. The menu presentation is best in any game, any genre IMO. After abysmal games like Brian Lara Cricket 2007... Read Full Review
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Resident Evil 5
Though it lacks the feel and charm of RE 4 it is still an Excellent game to play.......
Resident Evil 4. When i played this game it immediately embedded itself into my Top 5 favorite games of all time. But inspite of being an Amazing game on the PS2 and the Gamecube, the PC port was poorly done. Luckily ... Read Full Review
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Need for Speed: Shift
Need For Speed Shift? Remove the f in shift.
After Most Wanted, there has really been no good NFS game. All after MW were totally crappy games. Carbon was too bad to play for a few hours and thus resulted in an end of me being a Fan of the NFS Franchise. Pro street... Read Full Review
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
More of the same except for a few tweaks.
When i played MW2 i knew what to expect. All my expectations were met. However unlike MW1 there was no EPIC level. MW1 had its share of good levels and there were those EPIC levels. In MW2 there were Boring levels, Good ... Read Full Review
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