I am one of those **** who gets angry at the most minor issue in a game. However, after beating the single player and about 2 days into the multiplayer, I have to say this is one of the funnest game I've played in a long time. I see so many people **** about the bugs, lags and preformanc issuses. As a programmer I do hope people realize than this game is developed for the consoles as the priority. One line of code on the ps3/xbox360 equals to 15 lines on the PC. One texture file is 5 texture file on the PC with a more complicated way to process it. If weren't for activition trying to push all 3 version of the game to be release in November the game will a much better product than what is it now. Trust me, no developer wants to release an unfinished product. After all, we invented the tern alpha and beta. 81% of the total sale on the first 2 days goes to the consoles. We should be grateful the developer still give a **** for the PC gamers. The console development team is celebrating and getting laid while the PC team is working their ass off for multiple patches down the road. I know because that's what I do.... Anyway. This post is probably a waste of time lol... The game is fun, action packed, good story and online is addicting as hell. I see myself playing this game for a long time to come, maybe until the next cod gets released.
Quick spec C2D 8400 @ 3.2 4gb DDR 800 ati radeon 6870 1gb Native res: 1680x1050 Will I be able to play GTA4 on high settings? Do I need a faster CPU? Thanks n advance!
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