hottgamer31's forum posts
Yeah, did it sound Negative? I wasn't trying to be negative towards Microsoft. I just wanted to knock people out of the hypno-ray that is the media.wrong forum
Yeah, it's crazy about the 24-hour deal, but it's only there because the XBox One was designed to be the next best thing to Steam Box. Also, the company didn't mention it, but the new Kinect is smaller and designed to be mountable on the X1. And you don't have to use the Kinect to turn it on. The Kinect will not get in the way. Believe it or not, you won't have to use it once. I'm sure the company will encourage its use though. But, as the company stated, you can always use the 360 for continuous offline gaming, hence why there's lots of games still coming for it. Oh and one more thing, Microsoft doesn't want to block used games, but rather change the method of trade, and the X1's used game policy won't be as bad as you think, not to mention that it'll possibly reduce the cost of newly packaged games. The media doesn't want you to know these things for some reason.I am a huge xbox 360 fan, but I refuse to give in to all the bs restrictions MS is putting on the gamers with xbox1.
I pay $60 for my games plus the $60 anual live gold subscription. What I do with my games after I buy them is nobody's business. I have cable internet but there have been times that the service has gone out for days, and the fact that xbox1 has to check in every 24 hours would make the console useless in situations like that. And I couln't care less about the kinect. Heck, I don't even have room to put the damn thing. And to tell me that I HAVE to have kinect connected for the console to even turn on is total bull. The $500 price tag on top of everything I mentioned... NO THANKS! It's been good knowing you xbox.
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