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house112233 Blog

im gonna miss bones!!!

:cry:   im gonnna be crying cause im gonna miss bones tomorrow......its gonnna be a great episode.......bones is probably gonna get with that agent..........i wonder if they are gonaa show a recap of it........i seriously hope they do, i wish......

it takes a long time to level advance

:?  i have  been on level 6 for lke 3 days and im tring   to level adavance. i wonder wat d u got to do................. so like uhhhhh do i write more blogs or something.........i have no idea..........wat so ever................

the show is ending

:shock: the show reba is ending...nooo!!!!........heck that anit fair why did 7th Heaven run for 11 seasons and Reba only ran for sucks so freaken much........the last episode is gonna b 2/18/07...........i dont want it to end.........  :cry:

something would say

House Rules
1.Everybody lies."

2."I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."

3."It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what." "Truth begins in lies."

4."I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone that someone is probably the last person you should ask."

5."You want to know how two chemicals interact, do you ask them? No, they're going to lie through their lying little chemical teeth. Throw them in a beaker and apply heat."



:p ok so like todays episode for reba was like amazing it was the best eve...........who would of knowen that brock and barbra jean would still make out even though they r getting divorced...........and Cheyenne meet her rival who i think still had the hots for van....but Cheyenne still go her house in the end thnx to reba..........heck if this episode was this good i wonder how good the next one is gonna b....... :)


ok like if u could pick what show would it be    


one tree hill

grey's anatomy






wat show would u pick........................

personaly i would pick house  it because the drama u dont know wat he is gonna do .

does smallville come on @ 7:00pm i wonder wat time smallville iz gonna come on. cuz it came on at 7 last week and it anit on today at 7 i wonder why. i wonder if its gonna come on at all or maybe its coming on at 8 like usally, heck who knows. the only thing is i just dont want to miss it like last week's episode which i herd was really good. so like its probably gonna come on at 8 at least i wish.......uhhhhhhh like later.........8)

prison break iz back yeah

8)ummmm like today prison break is coming on after like forever. i wonder if its gonna be any good i hope it is........uhhh yeah and tomorrow house is comng heck yeah!!!!!

can not wait

:shock:omg i cant wait for HOUSE next week and i cant wait for the next show of REBA oh nd SMALLVILLE the justice league is totally gonna watchn  it:P


:shock:OMG FOR THE PREVIEW FOR REBA I SAW BROCK HALF was .........ummmmmm i dont know the words for it but weird. but i cant wait to watch it. i wonder wat reba feels for watching her ex taking a shower in her house.:)