@jhonMalcovich said:I have it preordered for 20 bucks.20€ from kinguin and 5€ gift code along with it, pretty good deal.
@I_AM_MEGATRON said:@khoofia_pika said: Well, as long as they don't rush it10 GB day 1 patch incomingmodern day console gaming, plug in and play!10gb would be nothing if the dl speeds these consoles werent so crap compared to steam 30mb/s
Well imagine some1 who has a high end pc so you only buy exclusives for consoles, my ps4 library currently consists of Bloodborne + NHL, I'll grab xbone when Quantum Break comes, Wii U I have plenty of games tho.
@skektek said:@tushar172787 said: But why would they do that?The Xbox loses billions of dollars for Microsoft every year. There has been a lot of talk, even inside Microsoft, about selling off the brand.Care to link source to top these claims?
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