@7tizz: I could literally ask the same about Xbox One exclusives. Halo? Disappointing, poorly reviewed flop. Tomb Raider? Not exclusive buddy. Gears of War remaster? Nope! Forza 16 or however many there are? Sorry pal, try again this year. Wait, what do we get graced with this year? Quantum Break - a TV show game, Gears 4 - same since the last decade, Crackdown 3 - likely the only game worth anyone's time of day, probably to be delayed to next year. *yawning*
@haze0986: It is so clear you have no idea what building an optimal VR PC rig would cost. The GPU and CPU alone with cost you around $550-600, the rest of the PC of course can't be cheap'd out on since VR like Oculus or Vive requires a decent load of hardware, so you're looking at at least 16GB RAM, power supply healthy enough to run everything, a case with proper cooling, and if you're looking for both an SSD to boot from (presumably 128-250GB range) and a 1TB HDD, you're looking at easily $140 right there, along with the monitor, which is useless with a VR capable rig if it's anywhere below 1080p (at least $150+) with all peripherals - but not even including peripherals, you're looking to spend no less than $1100 to run VR on a reasonable level of performance. Then stack on the price of the headset itself ($600-800) and you REALLY think it's cheaper than an $800 PS4/VR bundle? Get a hold of your mind man.
What nobody wants to mention is that games like this aren't simply beaten by playing back to back. You have to level, get better gear, you're completely leaving out any sense of exploration, as if the ONLY content in this game is the number of story missions - which 26 is far better than what we got with Destiny. But sure, equate a game's worth to an unspecified amount of time it takes to complete one of the various parts of the total game...
hoyholyhoy's comments