@surferosh @hrst1 unfortunately I live in the US since 1 year ago so I can't, but she wouldn't let me get the console either. We used to have a TV and I begged her, but she was like don't even think about it
meow... I'd rather get the PS4 but have no TV and my mom would never for the love of Pete buy me either one, pus I doubt sideloading games will be easy, so guess I'm stuck with my PSP
I have nothing against consoles, but I think people are getting a bit too obsessed with them and forgetting what the greatest thing for gaming is - a computer. Can it not run amazing games? Can it not be played without the use of "controllers", and with a mouse? Is gaming not the only thing it can do well? I have a PSP and that is probably the console I'll ever get (okay, I have to admit, I would like a console, but there is no way for my parents to let me get one, and I'm only 12 so I can't get it myself, so - lost cause).
P.S.: People, be more positive when you say things. I mean, just because you had a crappy day at work it doesn't mean that you have to pour your stress in forums.
While I definitely don't agree with this senator, I still think that 11 year olds are mature enough to play most M rated games, like GTA (except the Hot Coffee mod in San Andreas, which lets you have sex). But still - if parents don't consider their kids mature enough to play these games, then they shouldn't buy them.
Perhaps the answer to why both Canadians and Americans have lots of guns, but Canadians don't have nearly as much gun violence is because after the Revolutionary War, they had worked hard to acquire independence and wanted to preserve it for as much time as possible, and built up agression, or/and, there are lots of minorities in the US (blacks and hispanics). I am sorry if anyone considers this racist, but the statistics speak for themselves: In New York, 96% of the gun murders had been commited by blacks or hispanics. In America, 31% of the population is Non-White; In Canada, 13% of the population is non-white.
Perhaps the answer to why both Canadians and Americans have lots of guns, but Canadians don't have nearly as much gun violence is because after the Revolutionary War, they had worked hard to acquire independence and wanted to preserve it for as much time as possible, and built up agression, or/and, there are lots of minorities in the US (blacks and hispanics). I am sorry if anyone considers this racist, but the statistics speak for themselves: In New York, 96% of the gun murders had been commited by blacks or hispanics. In America, 31% of the population is Non-White; In Canada, 13% of the population is non-white.
hrst1's comments