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Weely Wednesday Update

Howdy Folks.

well well well....its that time agai-...

never mind, this is my first one.


-In case none of you heard, Disney has put an offer on Marvel for a whopping 4 billion dollars(umm...Candain equivilient anyone?). I'm quite saddened by the news. Imagine Mickey and Spider-Man, side by side, fighting fluffy-puffs.......thats what i thought.

-New MW2 Multiplayer Video. Check it out!

-New spoiler warning(and here) and sweet new Advertisment.

- My Epic LAN Partay was today...and Epic it was. We played a few games of Halo 3 and then we had cake. We actually ened up playing Wiffle ball in my Yard while looking at my chickens(yes...i have chickens.

-My latest idea on Fallout Nation Union, Metro

We out!

bye bye...and

Stay tuned..

Epic LAN Partay

thats right kiddies! Epic LAN partay at HUNT270's house. Woot

Wis you all could join, but we all know your 42 year-old staulkers form Alabama.....just kidding.

see ya when its over!

Fallout Nation Union

Just joined this Union. i personally love fallout 3 and have done everything in it that is humanly possible. this group is very fun to be in. The forums are filled with content and buzzing with great threads. take a look down, heck even post on their forums. if anything, check this place out!


Fall Game Line-up Update 2

Games i am looking Forward to:

Halo 3:ODST



Darkest of Days


Games for Q1 2010:


Dante's Inferno

Bioshock 2

Splinter Cell: Conviction


Fall game Line-up

My next game will most l;ikely be Darkest of Days or Batman: Arkham Asylum. Hopefully after that there will be ODST, then MW2. Can't wait.

What is the Community looking forword to?

Comment your responses

"I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMBIES 1N IT" Funny. Hilarious.

No, i did not make this game. "I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMBIES 1N IT" is amazingly fun and addicting. while you happily playing Geometry wars style, the best song in the world is playing. It is made by the creator and has the funniest lyrics. go check out this game and download it on XBLA for 80 microsoft points($1)


ODST on the Horizon. Yehawwwww!

Well with ODST on the horizen fans are getting edgy. the new updates are great and they are showcasing the new ViDoc at GC this week. Also check out the latest in-Depths of the Halo 3:Mythic maps at


Wolfenstein has been officialy released today.

I'm hoping to get it in a couple hours.