This is still the same game EA has put out year after year. The running game is a little better as is the XP system. However, this game has no excuse for being as buggy and having such daft AI as it does. The AI for Road To Glory Mode is unchanged, and the AI is horrible. It's still an enjoyable game of football, but it's not worth $60 and hasn't been for many, many years now. I agree with Tom this time on his score.
MS is reaching pretty far for that almighty dollar. I don't think I've ever heard of a company suggesting to a business that they buy a gaming console. How the once mighty have fallen...
I'm going again this year, and I'm interested in seeing what KI has to offer. Sony just had Sly Cooper and the All-Stars game. Hopefully they'll have a better selection this time around.
Gamers will just use the create-a-player and put him on the Pats if they want to. I believe they removed Vick from Madden 09 and added him later via update for Madden 10, so it wouldn't be the first time they did something like this.
That's sad to hear. Davis, Gerstmann, and Navarro made Gamespot great back in the day. I didn't go to GB much after he left GS, but he'll be missed. RIP.
And yet, this still won't be good enough to satisfy those politicians still looking to blame gaming for violent behavior. Of course, if any of them had an IQ higher than a jellybean, they would already know this from the numerous studies done on the same damn subject year after year which wastes taxpayer money.
hunter8man's comments