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Glitchspot frustration = looking elsewhere

Sigh, I swear (oops no I don't, swearing = suspension at GS :( ) gamespot is getting worse with it's ever intrusive "glitches". Those hiccups that seem to make your stay here that much more unbearable. It has forced me to look elsewhere for my gaming community needs and for the most part most sites fail in comparrison to gamespots awesome community. I've tried the 1up and didn't care too much for it, also tried various system, game and topic specific boards and communities and they never seem to hold my interest for long, HOWEVER I have found a new one thats fullfilling my needs and packs some fun into it's community that I really dig.

This site is, also known as the Playstation Universe, it's a mega news site for most things playstation and it's community is one of awesomeness. Sure it's not as great as GS, which I will still be at, particpating... just on a smaller scale, but it's the next best thing I've found AND it isn't plagued with the numerous problems that prevent me from using it (ala gamespot). Sure it won't be for everyone, namely most who don't own playstation systems, but it's a very kewl place for those who do and... the do have wii/360 boards for anyone who want to discuss those. Anyways, the way it is now, I check out some gaming news, email, ebay etc and then hit up PSU even before I think about hitting up gamespot... which is impressive on PSU's front... cuz gamespot has been a huge staple of my daily internet use for the last 4 years or so.

Ooh! Also, there's a brighter chance that broadband may be coming sooner than later for me. A friend of my brothers let him know that they've got their wireless broadband hooked up just days ago and so I went to the website for said company and filled out an application for service... because appearantly they don't return phone calls. Anyways, waiting on word from them for that and then the site says it can be up to 2 weeks depending on how busy they are installing equipment else where before they can assess and install equipment at our location. Anyways, with any luck I'll have broadband in a matter of weeks. Woo!

Games wise, i just beat Daxter (psp) recently and jumped right into JakII. Playing the 5th chapter of Killzone Liberation (psp) that I've gotten downloaded recently and I'm also having a blast with Burnout Paradise. Kinda stuck on Indigo Prophecy and seem to be playing more and more timesplitters :)

Too bad, Mercenaries and Haze have both been delayed again :( But things look good for GTA4 and MGS4 as their dates are still holding for april and rough spring/early summer respectively.

Got two PC games from my local Super Store a little while ago, one "Mage Knight Apocolypse" and the other "Sin episodes" for just $10 for the both of them :P I can't run either on my laptop cuz of their retardedly high sys reqs but play them OK on my tower. Hopefully I can play them in full once I finish my new PC. I've already got the vid card from a friend and the same friend wants to sell me a motherboard, ram and CPU package... so all I really need besides that is a powersupply, perhaps a HD, dvd drive and other small things and bam, new PC :P

Lastly, I've got my Gamecube en route along with 2 extra controllers, a mem card, and 4 games (pokemon colosseum, godzilla, FF crystal Chronicles & metal arms). Thanks for all your suggestions for games and I'll look into getting some of those in furture purchases. Also, has anyone played the zelda game "four swords" or w/e it's called for teh GC? The one with 4 player co-op? Is it good?

Nostalgia! My first video game ever!

Heh. I present thee, thine first ever video game:


Back before Nintendo, Back before Playstation and PC gaming, this was my first taste of video games and I loved it. I was of about... 5 or 6 years old perhaps when I recived it and I played my heart out on it. Years of being lugged around, dropped and whatnot eventually lead to it's demise but thanks to Ebay, I've been able to regain that small part of my childhood. :D

It's merely a simple LCD game, the kind where the background never changes and your "CHaracter" on the screen is really just a series of lines placed and moved in sequence as you press the buttons. However, it enveloped me in its world for hours. Beating up on the Joker, Poison Ivy and the Riddler never got old.

Some time later I got the Power Rangers Handheld and loved that to death too. Sure, it didn't compare to Batman, but I loved it just the same and always found it extremely hard.


This one I have not purchased, however might have to in the future. Sigh.

The hell with the next gen PS3/360/Wii stuff, I'm all about handheld LCD games!!!! WOO!! :D

*Happy gamer out.


Reccomend GC games plz

Hey guys/gals, just curious as to what some good game cube games are. I've missed the cube that my sis has taken to college with her so I bought one on ebay and while I wait for it I wonder what are some good games for it?

Here's sort of what I'm looking for

-No sports titles
-Something Unique - even if you enjoyed a game on another sys and it's on GC, lemme know.
-Multiplayer would be awesome (not online), I'm really looking for awesome quirky games I can play with others.

-None of these titles: Zelda, Metroid, Animal Crossing, Chibi Robo, Mario Kart/ Party/ Sunshine/ Paper/ luigis mansion, RE4, SSBM

Just lemme know what you've enjoyed, what you think I would enjoy.

Currently, I'm bidding on a Pokemon/godzilla pack.

Blowing through games + no multiplayer &... Rockband

A multiplayerless world:

First thing I'd like to tackle is the retarded disguard for those who enjoy same console multiplayer and those without the ability to get online. More and more common I buy new games only to see (1 player - 2-"insert # here" online), no mention what so ever of multiplayer on the same console (splitscreen). Something I have always loved and continue to love. I currently can't get online due to my location and even if I could I still like to sit down to a fun racing or w/e game with a friend/family member and kill time. Developers however, seem to be ignoring this and including online only multiplay on most games.

The newest culprit, Burnout Paradise which I've picked up in just the last hour. "WTF do you mean there's no splitscreen multiplayer" I thought as I picked up the game at my local Super Store and looked it's case over. What the hell are developers thinking? F*ck! Other major culprets this year include: MotorStrom, DiRT, Unreal Tournament 3, Call of Duty 4 (which for it's sake does have splitscreen but gunning down one other person... just doens't cut it, where's the bots?) The Orange Box and I'm sure more titles that have a multiplayer component are subject to this too. Resistance is prob the most splitscreen fun I've had on a new console this year, - tho Gears of War with my cousin on his 360 was mega fn kewl as well.

I really hope things begin to change and they (developers) realise that such a component really adds to replay value of their games. I'm not saying they should up and drop online, oh hell no, but how much more work would it be to take that gameplay and use in on a one console term? Sigh. Frustrated gamer rant over.

Blowing through games:

That aside I've been blowoing through games like crazy lately. I've completed Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 4, Portal & HL2 (still have to continues eps1&2), mostly through Daxter and now I've jumped into Indigo Prophecy. Indigo Prophecy (known as Farenheit in locations other than North America) is f'n awesome! I've instantly fallen in love with it, it's so unique and feels like more than a game, it's almost like a good book or movie adaptation of said book. Anyone else play it?

Following game releases this year, I swear I've got a big ol game for every month of the year that I plan on getting. Janurary's big one was Burnout Paradise, next month comes Lost Planet, then Haze, the MLB08 the show, GTA4 then MGS4, Soul Calibur 4, God of War: Chains of olympus, Crisis Core FFVII, MotorStrom 2, Killzone 2 and Reistance2 ... not nessicarrily in that order cuz release dates aren't set in stone for some of those titles. But all in all, I don't think I'll be bored.


Lastly in gaming, I've had my first taste of RockBand and I f'n loved it! My cousin lugged over his 360, drums, 2 guitars and mic for a crazy night of bad singing and playing :D *actually we didnt do THAT bad... we actually got through some songs :P Not too bad for a band that included 2 complete newbs and just one who knew exactly what he was doing :P. I got to try all instruments including Drums, Guitar, Bass and Mic and I loved them all. The drums seem like the most difficult to me (especially the foot petal) but also the most rewarding. The guitars work great and really don't deviat too much from Guitar Hero, but thats a good thing. Lastly, the Mic, was actually fun as well. I didn't think it would be but it's a blast to have your vocals in the game! I've still yet to see Rockband packs (for PS3) in stores... so I don't have it myself. That and it's $200... which I think is totally worth it, but I just don't have that kind cash to toss around right now on - unessicary things.


Have written most of the review for Assassin's Creed, just sitting on it, editing it as I please before I put it on GS. Also started a review for Uncharted, so look for those in the near furture.

Last notes:

Heath Ledger (sp?) who just finished his role as the Joker in the new batman movie, died yesterday, as a result of a drung overdose, which seems to be accidental, they found sleeping pills and prescibed meds in his hotel room, they think it's merely a case of accidently taking too much of the two together. The autopsy will take a week or so to make sure but that seems to be the case. RIP man.

Finially saw Superbad. lol, am I the only one who didnt see it in theatres? :P Meh, it was alright, some funny parts but like most movies that get the hype train of awesomeness I tend to it merely mediocre and boring. It's not as bad as Nepolean Dynomite, which i absolutly dispised, but it's really just a B-movie... tho I thought the cop characters (one of which played by Seth Rogan) were the best in the movie, lol.

Got my PS2 Afficinado icon back! I've added my PS2 games to my GS game list (took em down when I lost my sanity :P) and its kewl to see the lil PS2 icon back there :D Also wanted to know if anyone would reccomend any older games for me to play? I've recently picked up Indigo Prophecy and love it, are there any other PS2/PS1 games you think I would enjoy? Let me know. I'm gib on characters and story if that helps... don't reccomend any RPGs tho :P

Assassin's Creed... still sells strong! The PC version still isn't out yet, but combined sales of PS3/360 versions sales are up over 4 million, woO!

Photoshop goodies

First off, I've been playing around with photoshop too much lately, making w/e I can. My banner being one of them (look above... else - if this post be old try here). Ghost in the Shell themed and a bit more complex than I'm use to, but I needed some freshness to my main page since I took everything down... who knows how long ago.

I've also whipped up some goodies for the Anime Portal Union (click for full sized):

A new banner:

to replace the old one (here)

and an intro pic:

I also did something just for fun, made a friend of mine (Punkhead66) into the joker (ala the new batman movie coming this summer:

Also plan on doing another (with a diff pic), cuz he asked me to.

Other news:

Can't get enuff Ghost in the Shell. Finished rewatching SAC and gonna jump back into SAC2. Started playing the PSP game for the series again and over all spend as much time acquiring GitS goods and living live the GitS way :P Exactly why my banner is the way it is :P

Beat Unreal tournament 3 (PS3) the other day but still play it like crazy cuz its so much fun. Even downloaded some maps from various sources on the net and ported em over to my PS3 to play em, which is amazingly kewl! More devs should support that kinda thing!

Also still playing my heart out with Daxter (PSP) and it has encouraged me to want to finish the series (have only played the 1st and now Daxter - which takes place inbetween 1st and 2nd) and so I bought Jak & Daxter (the first), Jak2, Jak3 and JakX Racing so I can do just that. All realitivly cheap, thanks to ebay.

Speaking of Ebay, I've also bought a book... yeah! an actual book! lol. Catcher in the Rye it be and it's got my curiosity :P So I'm going to read it.

Still havn't written any reviews, sry, I'll try to get them done.

Work kinda sucks right now and I've got that feeling of "Can't wait to leave". Have to look into what I seriously want to do for school.

Resistance (fall of man) 2 was announce earlier this week and I'm stoked! 8 player Co-op, 60 player online matches and loads of other goodies are heading lineing the title thats aimed for this fall. I just hope I'll have broadband by then!!!

Which brings me to my last disappointing tidbit! I'm still stuck on DIALUP!!! WTF!!! 2 companies both promising highspeed and I'm still no further ahead than I was 6months ago. :( :evil:

McD blames games, mega CES news & reviews + VADAR IN SC4!!

McDonalds CEO blames video games for child obesity.

Firstly, I'd like to divert your attention to something that I thought was a little wacky and outright retarded. Put into a spoiler tag to save space.

[spoiler] The topic came up during a recent interview with Steve Easterbrook, the UK CEO for the McDonald's franchise. Quoting Easterbrook's statement regarding the matter of obesity:

I don't know who is to blame. The issue of obesity is complex and is absolutely one our society is facing, there's no denial about that, but if you break it down I think there's an education piece: how can we better communicate to individuals the importance of a balanced diet and taking care of themselves?

Then there's a life$tyle element: there's fewer green spaces and kids are sat home playing computer games on the TV when in the past they'd have been burning off energy outside.

That aside, Easterbrook did state that tackling obesity was something that the individual was responsible for in resolving, alongside the government and food and drink groups:

The Government has a part to play, individuals have a responsibility and so does the food and drink industry. These are the three pillars that need to work together and demonstrate that they have a commitment to solving the issue. We're front and centre of the diet piece of the debate and, as a large business with a big influence, it is a responsibility that we accept as a leader in our sector. [/spoiler]

In short, a CEO of McDonalds - that fun loving company that shovels 3.8 billion pounds of cholesterol and salt a day - blames video games as the big reason children are obese in todays world.

In part I do agree that all game all the time and no exercise will lead to a live of health problems, but in the large part I consider companies like McDonalds who provide nothing but crap to kids (and spend billions each year promoting it) to be a much larger factor when it comes to said problems, especially when coupled with a "no exercise" plan. Anyways, just thought I'd share.

Now to the kewl sh1t!

CES 2007

Some big news this way in terms of electronics, games and over all geeky techy :D

Ingame XMB coming soon:

Sony used CES to announce a few things, one very kewl thing (IMO) is ingame XMB access in the PS3. XMB is of course what their main navigation bar is called and ingame XMB means the ability to have a unified chat system and access to custom music, pending Sony's decision to include such a feature. Which is something I've always loved about the 360, the abilitiy to access your goods and settings without quiting the game first. Mega kewl.

BD live lets you port blu-ray titles over to portable devices:

Samples of Blu-ray movies were successfully copied from a Sony PlayStation 3 Blu-ray drive to a Sony PlayStation Portable's memory stick, as part of Sony's new gig known as BD Live.

BD Live web-oriented service appears to be Sony's approach to interactivity as well as portability, but it isn't limited to copying movies to portable players. Other abilities include ring tone downloading and other media content to a BD Live media player. Article

Yeah, it it's suppose to apply a number of blu-ray players and portable devices, NOT just PS3/PSP. How f'n kewl is that? You buy a Blu-ray movie and decide you want it on the go on your cell phone, PSP or w/e and a few clicks later, some time to wait for the conversion and bam you have a - easy as pie - movie, great quality, totally legal and you didn't pay a cent for it. :D

Warner Bros drops HD-DVD in favor of Blu-ray

Yet another company backing Blu-ray exclusively. If I read right, Universal and Paramount are the only two who are still exclusive to HD-DVD. When WB announced this at CES Toshiba decided to delay and then cancel their speech and party dealing with the success of HD-DVD this year. I personally only have Blu-ray cuz of my PS3 and it really doesn't matter that much to me I suppose but I do like to keep up on to whats going on and wars are always fun eh?

Haze; rumors of another delay squashed:

Ubisoft put a foot forward at CES as well and announce that Haze is set to be released in the Janurary-March time frame that got stuck after the game was delayed from it's Novemeber 2007 release. More accurately, Audrey-Ann Milot announced that the game was in the final stages with the finishing touches were being applied with a release to follow short, in either Janurary or Feburary, depending on when Ubisoft decides they want to release it.

PSP gets new headset & Skype

Sony has announced that the PSP (slim, not the older phat model due to memory issues) will soon be getting SKYPE, a free telephony tool that'll allow you to 'call' a psp or pc for free and rumors that there will be paid plans available so.. you can use you PSP as a cell phone and make calls to any phone with it. So you could be playing some, oh Killzone Liberation and an icon pops up saying you've got a call and bam, you pause you game take the call and when done just go back to playing, kewl eh? If it works exactly like SKYPE for the PC you'll be able to make long distance calls for free.

Little Big Planet... not till September, demo probable

The loveable little, create you own game, gem being developed by media Molicule for the PS3 seems to have a release date (according to my source) isn't until September 2008... which kinda bums me out cuz thats a large piece off... but atleast we've got a release date now eh?

Soul Calibur 4 to feature Vadar & Yoda!!!

Just announced, Vadar and Yoda will be in the next Soul Calibur 4. Like they did with the custom characters in SC2 they're going to include Vadar on the PS3 and Yoda on the 360 version. MEGA FN Kewl!!!!!

Lego Batman looking good:

Recently released screens shows that the new Lego game; Lego Batman is looking wonderful. More screens here :)

I've also recently beat Uncharted: Drakes Forturne and wow! What a blast! Very enjoyable story and my gripes include some frequent firefights that pinned me down and the occassional "ahh crap I slipped" or "Hit the wrong button" or "bahh! Jump further!" but other than that, it is spectacular. It felt like playing a movie, it actually kinda scarred me, lol. It's left open for a sequel but closed the story proper, so its all good. I think I may have to write a review for it.

Lastly, I'm thinking about going back to school, sigh, sice of dealing with the public and all the sh1t that arrises with that and if I can I want to go back to school this fall. Not exactly sure what for, or even I can get accepted but, I want to go back and providing I can save up a good bit, I won't have to borrow, which is awesome.

Anyways, thanks for reading, gawd, it took me forever to write this.


Seeing is beliving || farewell 07

Holy Crap. If you find a more bad as$ Game TV Ad ever, let me know! I'm refering, of course to

THIS VIDEO, titled 'Universe of Entertainment'.

Check it out, it's only 1 minute long, but OMG. If you can get it in HD, it's suppose to be that much better.

Anyways, on to other things. How was your christmas? Get some good thing-a-ma-bewbs?

My christmas was decent, got a few games, movies and other what-ja-maj-oos.

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (PS3) is prob my fav gift of christmas! It's a fresh experience and a specticle to look at! The videos really don't do it justice! I'm enjoying every minute of it and dig the unlockable bonus feature (mimics Achivements... something Sony should get around to including in the PS3) that i seem to just randomly rack up! 10 Headshots in a row! woo! :D

I also got my hands on the Orange box just before christmas (an early gift if you will ;) ) and I loves it. Portal is... sigh, nothing short of an instant c1ass1c! I'm currently going through the story of HL2 (tho I've done it many times on the PC) before I start eps 1 and 2.

I also got Daxter for my PSP and I am whole heartedly surprised! The quality of the game is astounding! You almost need to blink and slap yourself in the face to make sure you're playing a PSP game! It's gorgeous and controls like the PSP numb doesn't suck! lol (which it does when compared to an analogue stick). So far, no loading, great cutscenes and gameplay as well as talented actors to play the points. It actually seems to steal time away from PS3 playing time, thats crazy huh? It's also prompt me to want to play the old Jak games, of which I've only completed the first. So, a quick trip to ebay's site and bam, I've got all three PS2 games heading my way for about $30, ship incl.

Speaking of ebay, I finially recieved my Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: 2nd Gig box set and... I can't even describe how f'n amazing teh box is! lol, that sounds odd, but the box is one incredible piece of art in itself, never mind the 7 dvds holding the series 2nd season. Totally pleased with it.

2007 points to note:

PS3+PSP purchased.

Stepped upto shift manager postion at work.

Decided to grow my hair, still a work in progress.

Friends here on GS + The Assassin's Creed Union + The Anime Portal Union.

Facebook + Ergo Proxy.

Trans-f**king-formers + Spiderman 3

Assassin's Creed

No injurys or need for surgery.

No deaths in the immediate family // friends.

The realisation that I want to go back to school. + the realisation that a lot of old friends have moved away!

Thats about all I can come up with... and I know there's lots more. But, to you all I wish a Happy New Years! Don't get too comatose while celebrating.

My top 30 songs ever of all time!

Ha, crazy title no? I love all the lists Roy seems to come up with and decided to do another one of my own. My top 30 songs ever of all time :D

Now, I spent some time thinking about these and there may still be space for corrections, additions and so on and as time continues some may be shifted out and other such changes but for now this is my top 30:

1- Free Bird - Lynard Skynard
2- Whiskey in a Jar - Metallica
3- Mad World - Gary Jules
4- Purity - Slipknot
5- Terror & Hubris in the house of Frank Pollard - Lamb of God
6- Do The Evolution - Pearl Jam
7- Epiphany - Staind
8- Sabbra Cadabra - Black Sabbath
9- Mind's Eye - Wolfmother
10- Mein Teil - Rammstein
11- Before I Forget - Slipknot
12- Stay in Shadow - Finger Eleven
13- Left Behind - Slipknot
14- Welcome to the Jungle - Guns N Roses
15- Bück Dich - Rammstein
16- Everything Ends - Slipknot
17- Paint it black - Judas Preist
18- Let her Cry - Hootie And The Blowfish
19- The Unforgiven - Metallica
20- Smells like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
21- Zerstören - Rammstein
22- Don't Speak - No Doubt
23- Strange Days - Matthew Good Band
24- Archetype - Fear Factory
25- House of Doom - Black Label Society
26- The Grand Conjuration - Opeth
27- Breathe - The Prodigy
28- Lonely Souls - Unkle & Richard Ashcroft
29- Denial - SevenDust
30- kiri - Monoral

What'ya think? Surprised at all? :P lol.

Still slugging away at Assassin's Creed, jump heavy back into Oblivion, touch MLB 07 the show every so often and am currently going through 'The Orange Box' that i've picked up a few days ago. Great gaming :D

Also, Curtis (Sim_) and I have ripped up the dead heavenly sword union and remodeled it as the 'Anime Portal Union'. I belive I have invited you all, join if you have an interest in the subject and help up kickstart the place off.


Broadband offering 2.0?

Heh, some of you may remember my post about a "wireless broadband" that was suppose to start servicing my area... back in November. Well, we were put on a waiting list after calling up and inquiring about it and well... this supposed tower that is to provide this signal is no where to be seen and we've not heard back from the company providing it. That is a p!ss off, but I am patient, so I'm just twiddling my thumbs and then I read something in today's paper that says the gov't will be laying down new cable lines as much as it can to help provide additional broadband connections to those who don't currently have them. With a window of Janurary for complete coverage. (The govn't of our province has made a promise to have EVERY household connected to broadband*and thus phasing out dialup completely* by the 2009 and it looks like they're keeping their promise)

So, in review. The wireless service might not happen, but we may just get our hands on broadband via the cable line :D


So, friends, tho it's delayed, I may just be hunting you down in various PS3/PSP/PC games come this Janurary and givin ya the ol smack down :D BRING YOUR GAME!!! SUCKAS!!! :D :D :D AHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAH



PS - THE PORTAL is coming soon, get ready. ;) (*no this isn't a reference to the HL2 mod)

What's your gaming style?

I've just noticed that gamers play quite differently depending on taste and time. My question to you, how do you play? What's your style? Do you take your time on a game, or rush through it? Do you replay games often? is multiplayer more important to you than single player? Are you a "reward collector", in that you must unlock ever bonus there is, collect all the achivements there are to be had? Do you mess with the game? as in testing out the physics or limitations of the world you play in? I'm curious as hell to find out how you all like to play your games!!


Personally I take a while with my games. I rarely rush through them and for the exception of FPS games, I'll take many weeks or even months to complete games and be completely happy with that. I have many games on the go at once and enjoy jumping between each for differing tastes of gaming. I rarely replay a game because when I do set out to beat a game I more or less test every thing out. I'm shooting every thing I can, messing with all the physics I can, try to go where I think devs wouldn't think I would go and over all try to find the short commings that devs have skipped, thinking no one in their right mind would bother attempting such things. I always smash my way, backwards through racing games, constantly see if windows, lights and other applicable things will show damage in shooters and bug the hell out of NPC characters in RPGs.

I pay great attention to the stories and the characters and single player expereiences are more often more memorable and exciting to me than multiplayer. I love multiplayer and being able to go "OMG! THAT WAS INSANE!" in any game but I always gravitate to the single player experiance. In terms of collectables, it varries. Sometimes I want to collect everything there is to be had and other times I'm content with the game expereience (in GTA I would got insane if I tried to get EVERYTHING done).

More often than not, my fav games are those with stellar stories and characters. I also seem to favor the action as opposed to slower pace of simulation or strategy, but there's always exceptions. But in the end, I play games to be entertained. Being eveloped in a world where you loose track of time in the real world, forget to eat, sleep and only use the washroom under dyer circumstances is an amazing feeling and is what sucks me in.

Also, as christmas arrives, I've got an updated top ten wanted PS3 games:

10. Street Fighter 4 (previously: 8 )
09. Gran Turismo 5 (New entry)
08. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (New entry)
07. Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway (New entry)
06. Burnout Paradise (previously: 6)
05. Haze (previously: 4)
04. Soul Calibur 4 (previously: 5)
03. Killzone 2 (previously: 1)
02. Metal Gear Solid 4 (previously: 3)
01. Grand Theft Auto 4 (previously: 2)

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune and Unreal Tournament 3 have been bumped from the list because I plan to pick up UT3 before xmas and I'll be getting U:DF for Xmas.

Killzone 2 drops from 1 to 3... just cuz. GTA4 and MGS4 step up due to that. SC4, Haze & BP more or less stay still and SF4 falls back to 10 as BIA: HH, RSV2 and GT5 squeeze in the list.

Happy Holidays all, hope yours is a good one.