Yes i own a ps4 but these deals look really good
Hybrenated's forum posts
So i got a free card from my friend who got one for christmas but cant use it because he has an xbox. Anyway, at first i was like i should obviously buy games on the flash sale with it. Then i realized i could use it to buy PS+. Now i do not know what to do. There is a flash sale going on right now but i also do not hace PS+ and i only have 50 dollars. Can anyone look at the flash sale games list and tell me if these discounts are worth it?!/en-us/flash-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-FLASHSALEWEBLP [Sale link]
We know sony is dominating with sales and all but who do you think has the better console without taking future releases into account? I know this is a very general question but just want to know what you guys think.
I dont get it. We keep feeding sony with money letting them win the NPDs so they are now lazy as shit. We do not get games. We do not get updates. We have to pay for backwards compatibility. We need to do the same things xbox fans did and stop buying, forcing them to change. Greatness will await till the fucking day we die if we do not make them get off their asses and do something.
I mean, they are hitting their stride now but the damage has already been done. I mean i think there are 3 things holding the wii u down that made it a complete failure sales wise.
1. The name (jesus christ who thought that was a good idea)
2. The hardware. I honestly think they could have done better without the power of a 2006 PC. I mean the exclusives i play on mine are great because of nintendo optimization, but this completely eliminates 3rd party from the picture.
3. WHY DID THEY RELEASE ALL THE GOOD GAMES 2 YEARS INTO THE CONSOLE CYCLE. I think they could have sold a bit better if the games at launch were not shit.
I personally still love my wii u as a secondary to both my ps4 and PC. What do you guys think?
It took lostrib pointing me out to realize i have been watching mooch too much. This thread should not even exist, sorry i literally agree to being a dumbass. Idk what i was thinking making this.
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