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Xbox 360 update!!!

UPS called and said they are delivering a package 2morrow and it should be my 360. However like i learned last time it dosen't mean they fixed it. Hopefully everything will work out and i will be gaming 2morrow.

NCAA 08 cover

Since I preordered NCAA 08 at gamestop I got this custom cover featuring Adrian Peterson. Better than looking at the QB that beat us in the tostito's (or fiesta bowl... kinda same thing). Sucks because my 360 is being repaired but i am going to rent it for xbox so i can still get to play it.

Peter Moore's departure

I really don't see what the big deal is about peter moore stepping down from MS and heading EA sports. For some reason people think he is jumping ship because well the ship is sinking. That is definently not the case. MS is doing extremly well and shows no signs of slowing. I believe the only reason he left was because the EA gig payed more than MS. Even though to us on the outside of the businesses the move and replacement seemed quick i do not believe this was a spur of the moment thing. I believe that peter moore gave notice therefore MS could quickly get a replacement in line. It dosen't seem a large company would entrust someone with this sort of a position on a whim. I might be completly wrong but thats what I think. Peter did a great service to MS even though i didn't care for his E3 performances.

Possibly the funniest video of E3

Don't know why but i just thought this was really weird. Even though I am really looking forward to it and think it will be a great game, the stage demo just looked stupid for Rockband. The gameplay looks great but the "band" was just goofy. I liked the girls slayer shirt though :P. I was halfway expecting the guitar guy to play with his teeth :lol: I just finished the video and it was really really good. Really looks solid and fun and it was so funny when the GS editors got up there and played. Ryan put on his shades and rocked the vocals to dead or alive by bon jovi :lol:



what ive been doing since 360 death: Manhunt

When my 360 went out its needless to say i was disappointed. No next gen gaming for quite a few weeks. This lead me to dust off the old xbox and give it a try. Believe it or not it STILL WORKS PERFECTLY AND IS WHISPER QUIET!!!! Well now that i have that out of my system time to talk about my gaming. I have run thegambit on xbox games by playing KOTOR II: Sith Lords (awesome), various old sports games, Gun (really not as bad as i thought, it won't be replacing Halo anytime soon though), andFlatout 2 (please don't play this game). However, today I recieved by far the best game i have played since my 360 died, Manhunt. While I haven't played that much of it so far I can tell its going to be great.

Manhunt is bloody, grimey, and briliant. As the story has unfolded so far you are an inmate that should have (and most people believe) been executed but instead of slipping into an eternal sleep wake up with no one around you. A voice booms through the intercom saying how you have been givin another roll of the dice and have a chance for survival. Now you are the star of a real blood bath movie in which the director asks you to kill your way out or be killed by "the hunters"for the thrills of an unknown audience.

The game is just flat brutal. The first kill of the game give you a chance to execute the most brutal kill possible by holding down the attack button for an extended amount of time to "charge" it up. In this case i had a plastic bag which i place over the hunters head and then mercilessly beat the tar out of him with blood splattering everywhere. It was sick yet so rewarding.

I like the stealth mechanics of the game and really look forward to diving into the world of manhunt.

OU loses wins?!?!? why?

Last night news broke that OU football would forfeit all wins from the 2005 season. Many might think a penalty like this would only stem from doping or various forms of cheating but instead it was because ex-quarterback Rhett Bomar and a few other players recievedcash for work they didn't do at a Norman car dealership. It wouldn't be much of a gamble to say that Sooner nation was in an uproar. I am a very faithful sooner fan as well and I am just at a loss of words.

First off the punishment dosen't fit the crime. The players were payed by a non-OU workplace and has no bonds to Big Red Sports and Imports (car dealership name). Even though the players are well informed on the ncaa rules (as stupid as they may be) it was an act of individual indiscretion. Therefore I feel that the penalties should be personal as well. Make the players pay back money earned and strip one year of elgibility and small recruitment restrictionswould be the best penalty. While this was done it was in combonation with the other much stricter penalties.

My biggest complaint with the whole process is that OU handled the problem withclass and did the right thing. They released the players when the university found out about it even though it came to big loss to OU. I can understand the penalties if OU had known about the problem and not acted. The fact of the matter is OU did the right thing yet are still penalized for it.

I feel that this is an NCAA witch hunt against OU to take a small offense and magnify it to a whole new level. It takes away hard earned victories from those who are innocent. Also I feel that if they take away wins then the losses should be taken away as well. The way it is our record that year was 0-4. That way it is like the season never existed. I hope that this year we can use this as motivation to do even better than the previous seasons

Any fantasy footballers?

hey i just opened up a league and wanted to know if anybody from here wants to join. If so you can leave your email here or if you want just pm it to me and i will get you added.

quick 360 update: It is in the repair plant and hopefully they will fix it soon.

Happy 4th of July

Just wanted to get on and say Happy Independence day and don't blow off any fingers, you might need those for Halo 3 :lol:

Monday I picked up Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge on xbox for the small price of 3.99. I figured for that price i almost had to buy it. It should last til my 360 get fixed.

Xbox 360 Update, americas army, and what xbox game should i rent

My 360 coffin (box) arrived yesterday but can't be mailed til monday. Im so glad it finally arived now i just hope they will fix it this time.

In order to pass the time while my 360 is gone i downloaded americas army which is a really solid game. It is 100% free and is very realistic. You have to pass training before you can play online which kinda sucks but its not that big of a hassle. Im really enjoying it. I highly recommend downloading it because even my craptastic PC can run it.

Alright what xbox game should i rent. I was thinking Manhunt or Jade Empire but i don't know. My friend is going to be over in a few days and we are both tactical shooter nuts so if you have any recommendations let me know

EDIT: 18 days straight

Today makes the 17th day in a row that it has rained here in Oklahoma. This is a record and I have never seen anything like it. Flooding has never been a problem but now it is a serious concern. The ground is so saturated with water that youre foot sinks an inch into the soil. Im halfway afraid it willcause my box for broken 360 to be delayed :lol:. Anyway it sucks not seeing the sun for 17 days but ive sorta learned to cope with it