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hylian_hero13 Blog

Life Update......I want May to be over! Or do I?

Well lets see first off I feel like chopping off my nose. Why? It is because every time I look down my nose starts to run. It's a real pain when I have to do work (blows nose). Whats next? Well I get to write one of my Final Exams tomorrow, it's in LA and I have to write a story, either Narrative or Expostive, I'm not to worried though 'm pulling A's in every subject, even gym with my perv teacher. (80%=A).

My Photoshop trial expires in 1 day so when that's gone I will download the CS3 trial then maybe the CS3 Extended version after. ^_^. I am waiting for the contest results to see who won the Grand Prize I entered a while back, although it's probably not me because barely anything good has happened to me lately. Finally the smashbros website will be launching in 6 days from now, so I'm fairly excited to see the news if there is any. Anyways thanks for reading this rant about my life and how May needs to end, but if it ends my friend moves...... didn't I mention that? Oh well, later.

P.S. I made some SSBM tags on who you use, join the Super Smash Bros. Brawl Union to again access to them.

P.S.2. I'm done with Level 20*hurray**cough*

Siggy Vote

Well first off I don't plan on being around too much because I'm getting bored:P. Time to go back to the real world for awhile. I made three new sigs they are mainly the same but I used different blending options for each one. I would really like some advice since I'm not to good in the sig department. Anyway tell me which of the threee is best, I'll edit that one if needed and use it for my signature.





Wanders into the world...again.

Choices, Choices, Choices.....

I made a new profile icon because I my current icon is getting boring.So, basically I want you to choose my new icon out of these three made by me!! I welcome all feedback and opinions. Feel free to rate any or all of them.

Bordered Image

Border and Lighting Change


Whats a good way to descirbe this.........probably can't

Well I signed up on today and ordered my three free isuses of Nintendo Power:D. I also ordered 4 replacement wrist starps for my Wii even though I don't really need them:P. One more thing... I entered a contest to win a DS Lite and Pokemon Diamond and pearl :D:D:D:D

Comments plz

Internet Channel and other nonesense

Well the Full version of the Internet Channel for the Wii is up today, it is can be downloaded by doing a Wii System Update, then going to the Wii Shop Channel. It is free until June 7th 2007.

Plus I got Metroid 1 and 2 ^_^