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hylian_hero13 Blog

New Banner and Really mad

ok first things first i created a new banner using pics i found and Paint because i don't have any art software so you guys can rate that

and the other thing is that i've lost one of my emblems.... why gamespot whyy and now im really mad:evil:

Talking 3 Things

ok first of all i got a new banner and i made it using Paint and thanks to chopperlink its actually uploaded, so you guys can rate that since its my first one i don't expect much

and secondly i am now a tag maker YAA now i need to get leader then king then i work on new emblems

also im now lvl 11 hurray for me

and thanks again to chopperlink

My Preferences

hey guees i need your help. ok i tried to upload a new banner and everytime i clicked "upload" it put in the adress for my old banner:evil:. HELP ME!!!:x

Best Night Shows Ever

ok last night i stay up till 12 watching tv like i always do, but gundam seed and full meatl alchemist were the best

in gundam seed kira fights zaft forces, but forgets to release the safety on his gun lol, good thing moo was there to tell him that

in full metal alchemist edward finds the secret to the philosophers stone and goes to laboratory five to investigate the expertiments and the lab was beside a prison so what better way to experiment on peopkle than to condeem them and use them for tests

WOW can't wait for next friday

Unions Planning

ok all friends of mine I'd like to start a union for Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess along with any other console zelda games. so if u want to help me start one please post