long story short; ban preowned games, and i wont play ur console. preowned games may hurt their profits, tough. ur 60$ price tag hurts my wallet, but u dont see me bitching and trying to come up with a scooby doo-esque plans or piracy.
and i woulda goten away wit it to, if it werent for all the jackasses.
better put some of that thought into the multi-player or they can go **** themselves. conviction's single player was better than most thats not what made conviction an inferior splinter cell game; chaos theory was the best (gameplay wise since i didnt finish the story), and what happened to chaos theory's "sound meter" it should be a series staple and its never been seen again. but what made chaos theory epic was its awesome single player in conjunction with the awesome multi-player. splinter cell 1 was lucky to come out be4 multiplayer was a damn near requirement, now it is and it better be good
story isnt really splinter cells problem, it is its diminishing multi-player. pandora tomorrow and chaos theory's were unlike anything i ever played and would still be playing them today if double agent didnt **** on it, and conviction got rid of it entirely.
i kinda hope it does, that way i save the prolly 400$ pricetag. they better have something in the vein of jesus walking on water in order to counter balance this horrible "feature" if its true.
nice, and for people bitching about no FF7; its inevitable just wait theres too much money up in the air if they dont, but then again we all wanted a banjo kazooie 3 and we may never get that... oh well, im excited for this remake, and still crossing my fingers for banjo's bad fur day.
i-rock-socks' comments